Anyone who identifies as white on an application is stupid

Corporate America Promised to Hire a Lot More People of Color.
It Actually Did.
The year after Black Lives Matter protests, the S&P 100 added more than 300,000 jobs — 94% went to people of color.

Whites were obviously hired at a rate that is a tiny fraction of their population in the workforce.

My guess is that the number of people identifying as white on applications is plummeting. Anyone can identify as Hispanic. Anyone can identify as mixed race.

That is not a lie in spite of what headlines may say.

Given the racist policies, anyone who identifies as white on an application for a job or college admission is just plain stupid at this point.

Blatantly racist government policies used to mean that people tried to pass off as white.

Now blatantly racist policies are making that true for whites passing off as something else. That is frequently also true for Asians as well.

Is it time to end race-based discrimination?

Or should whites and Asians just identify as something else?


If this continues, you can make a case it is a trend, which I am not doubting.

But there is also this from the article…

Retirements also increased that year, and older workers were more likely to be white.

It was also a year when companies were rehiring workers they’d laid off at the start of the pandemic, many of whom were people of color.

I’m sure someone will bang on me for being too “woke”, but it is true blacks suffered disproportionately with the layoffs following COVID.

How? Why?

Yep predominantly brought on by dem and lib policies that you supported. Nothing has changed.

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I heard a story from a woman doctor that applied to medical school in Virginia in the 1960s. The interviewer told her something like, “We admit 70 in-state, 30 out-of-state, two blacks, two Jews, and one woman, and honey you are not going to be it.” There is a reason why Jews frequently anglicized their names.

Similar things are still going on, only the current push is to limit white and Asian applicants.

Should whites and Asians change their last names to Gonzalez?

You are of course, wrong as usual.

Early on? Yes.

Then I became one of the first on these boards to explore alternatives to complete shutdowns (or complete re-openings, which also had their issues).

34% is a big number for it to be conspiracy unless the numbers are in doubt. If they are correct this is just sad and not reversible.

Your Bloomberg article is misleading.

They are showing the net result.

Which means that percentage is a result of some other possibilities as well. Such as retirees, layoffs, quitting etc.

Also, you’d be a fool to think that saying you’re are black is an advantage with employment at a s&p 500 company.

I stopped checking any block except “rather not respond.” I’m post racial.


Balderdash and hogwash.


It shows me that 34% are too stupid to be in college if they think it’s an advantage.

It absolutely is an advantage, unless the quota is full.


Pick any SP 500 company. And let’s check their DEI report (if they have one)

I guarantee most of those companies have less than 7% black employees.

Colleges have quota systems?

:rofl: Proprotion of the per capita.

They do. Every one of them, and you know it. ESGs and ERGs too.

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Yup, but we aren’t talking about colleges.

Pick one and let’s find out.

I’ll wait.

You can pick.

Which colleges ones?

Companies have race based quota systems? Which ones?

Nope. Your claim…

Not interested in another fee-fee debate with you. “Put up or shut up time.”

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