Antifa. Our common enemy

It becomes a claim the instant you make it,

Because it’s a common smear tactic.


Never worked for CNN.


You own him.


I voted for Trump. Not many here more conservative than me. Why did I vote for Trump? Because I have had it with the total lack of action by republicans. Tons of campaign promises all ignored after elections. Did you expect bold action from status quo big government republicans such as Kasich or Jeb?



Not a chance.

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Amen! :+1:

This thread ended up exactly where expected…

Care to link to your thread where you are steaming mad that Trump has increased the debt?

You know, the one true conservative trait that stands out versus all others.

What white supremacy? Other than a couple dozen West Virginia trailer dwellers, where is it? It’s been over two years now and there has been no effort at restoring Jim Crow. Why not? I am having one hell of a time finding any oppression what so ever. And so are you.

Don’t they all?

You have “evolved” from a year ago when I said the same thing about those protesting the removal of the statues that had applied and approved a permit to do so. You and others labeled me a racist for defending their right to protest. I guess it has to be that they are protesting something you agree with before you feel this way?

Meanwhile like four “white supremacists” show up for their “rally”… LMAO!

The media lives in a bubble…

When they’re seeded the way you seeded them…yes.

Sprinkle in a bit of the usual suspects turning this into a “let’s bash libs” thread and it was well watered too.

You have absolutely no standing for this to have ever been more than simply a disingenuous attmept at seizing the moral high ground.

You’ve built absolutely zero credibility as a “dispassionate objective observer”.

Seriously. And what good is white supremacy if you can’t oppress anyone? It’s very difficult to oppress when you are standing being the counter at 7/11. And why have they not turned on Trump yet? He has not done a single thing in the past two years to restore Jim Crow. Maybe he is not the man they thought he was?

Jim Crow were laws put in place to stop the natural integration a free market fosters…

…Dems hated free markets even back then…

That is part of it. But racism was pretty much the law of the land in the south. Many simply did not want equal rights for blacks. But that time is long past. Many dems insist that nothing has changed.

I know right? And you are boring. Boring is worse. Much worse. As I predicted, you changed the focus to what a bad, bad man Altair is. Predictability is boooooring. So here is what I will do to help you out of your rut. I will admit that I am indeed bad to the bone. This will render it unnecessary for you to do the same. It will free you up to focus on my brilliant and exciting topic. You are welcome in advance! :heart_eyes:

I didn’t write the portion quoted…manipulated quote.

The growing opposition to these progeny of Marxist professors gets filtered out on social media.

Kind of like they don’t want conservatives to have the right to eat in a cafe right now, isn’t it…

and Racism is still the law of the land. Affirmative action …

Who manipulated my reply? Making it appear I said what “Allen” wrote?

Sort of. That is oppression, but not racial oppression. Currently we experience a lot of oppression. But less racial oppression than any time in history and probably less than anywhere in the world.