Another white texas cop murders a black person

What the hell?

Absurd, it’s not murder one and even murder one sentences average like 16 years.

No, it doesn’t. In no way, shape or form should police rely on “the call”. It comes from untrained idiots. The only thing that matters is what they observe when they arrive. If “the call” is man with a BB gun, or they going to assume it’s a bb gun? No.

He murdered that woman for no reason. Because he was scared.

Life is appropriate. He took a life.

Appropriate if that was a consistent sentence for all murders maybe, not appropriate he be singled out for special sentencing because he’s a cop.

Of course it is because he’s a cop. The rules don’t apply to him.

Who are you to determine what’s relevant and what’s not? Are you some kind of expert or just some random dude on the internet? I’ll go with the latter.


No, it is an accurate observation. You got so caught up in your outrage you just started vomiting buzz words all over the thread.

What about “OPEN CARRY!!! AGGGHHH SNAP!” Upsets you so? Does the mere sight of an arm scare you witless?

The funny thing is, the vast majority of people are so busy looking down they ever even notice what I am wearing on my hip. So it must be the emotion of the idea of it.

What is your problem with it? I really want to know. Do you feel an arm is less dangerous when it is covered by a t-shirt? What is it?

Some kind of expert.

If you had bothered to look at the pertinent laws, you would know why it is irrelevant to the situation under discussion.

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I don’t have any information if a gun was mentioned in the call in this particular case. But yes – Even if they specifically say it’s a “toy gun” a person has. The officer goes in with the mindset that it’s real.

However on and “open door” welfare check – they do get a little information based on if it’s someone just driving by and seeing a door open and something not appearing right – compared to a neighbor seeing and open door and something not appearing right. The neighbor can give dispatch a little history on the place.

And I think I have said in this thread I expect him to be convicted of murder and spend a long, long time in a tiny cell.

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Which is utterly and completely useless. Like I said.

No it’s not.

Just like dispatch can pull up a history of calls to a residence.

It all plays a part in how officers react.

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Yes it is. Doesn’t even enter into my planning. Useless chatter.

Agreed. If a residence has had 10 police calls for domestic altercations in the past 12 months, the officer has a reason to believe he may be met with violence by someone who lives there. If an 85 year old man lives alone and his neighbor calls the police for a welfare check because he hasn’t seen the man in a week and his mailbox is overflowing with mail, the officer may not feel there is a physical threat waiting on him when he arrives.


Maybe he meant it as a “parody”? :thinking::grin:

You’ll be lucky to get the right address, much less any useful information.

If playing videos games with an 8 year old at 0230 isn’t bad enough, there’s that cop. Holy crap. lol

Hey, how come everyone isn’t defending the cop like they were in the other thread? Weird.

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What other thread?

The one you said was deleted earlier? It was the first post I saw when I opened the thread? Are we just playing dumb?

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