Another Standing Up To Cancel Culture Hero?

Bad hair day?


The News Media…In it’s intense effort to create news…gives the guy free air time, publicity and commercials and he paid nothing. LOL…

I love it.

Why not?

There has been plenty of opportunity to complain about this very thing here for years. You could have done it in January at the inauguration but I didn’t see any complaints at the time.

Spare me.

So if gay governor says something pro gay he’s pushing gayism?

That was a typo…she meant “the sole of our nation”


Cancel culture, right wing style at its finest.


quickly caught people’s attention for the music video that sees him dressed provocatively, pole dancing and giving Satan a lap dance in Hell.

I can’t cancel what I’d never support to begin with.


Well it seems Nike isn’t happy with him…but again Nike company is about as racist as they come.

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No, but the freedom that protects him and his business venture is the same freedom that allows others to create art and literature that expands the mind, betters the culture, and uplifts the spirit.


Marketing for sure. The mass trolling is probably just a sweet, sweet side effect

Nike is suing him? The shoes aren’t real?

It’s weird how rap can simultaneously be the best music (under certain circumstances) and the trashiest of trash ever created.

All depends on how trash the artist is as a person.

It’s weird how you call rap “music”.


I have a wide range of taste. :wink:

Including “none”. :wink::rofl:

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Dan Bull, a middle class white guy from Britain. Better rapper than anyone here, and better than 90+% of the trash anyone here listens to.

The shoes aren’t created by Nike. Sometimes there are unofficial designers that take a Nike Shoe… re paint it and sell it.

Nike typically doesn’t care because they are usually non-controversial.

So they’re knock offs and in this case Nike cares.


It’s not that weird. Rap is the most versatile music genre. Which means you can get a wide range of outcomes. Rap between 88-2005ish was mostly lyrically driven. Most of it now is driven by the beat with mumbling over top of it :rofl:

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