Another Standing Up To Cancel Culture Hero?

Agreed, too much of it is trash. Wasted talent on a golden genre.

Rap is not music.

Correct. I’m guessing because of who is marketing them. Usually a “celebrity” as big as Nas X would collaborate directly with Nike. I’m guessing he tried to pitch it and Nike was like “Nah”

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You may not like it… but it is the most versatile musical genre to ever exist.

It’s like PHP - so versatile, anyone can build a crappy product.

It’s garbage. Nails on a chalkboard. Train brakes. Mating cats.

It’s like the Manchurian Candidate… a few simple phrases or key words activates the “conservative” frothing.

Just conservatives.

If you can define what is and isn’t music then I can define who is and isn’t a conservative.


Kinda missed the mark there.

Dan Bull can rap. Him as Winston Churchill and Jack the Ripper on ERB is top notch ■■■■■

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I still say he won against Hannibal Lecter. lol

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Even my dad came around on the whole “rap isn’t music” thing after someone somehow made him listen to Me Against the World in the mid 2000s lol.

Mega Ran caught my dad’s attention.

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I think he did too. The whole British rap scene is ■■■■■■■ popping right now. Grime is back and it’s doper than most American ■■■■ these days.

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Actual quote: “This Tu-pack Shakur guy, he’s really just a poet over music.”

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Nah, just pointing out the obvious.

“Hey, I actually know what he’s rapping about! You use to play that video game!” lol

Once again. It becomes a @TommyLucchese rap thread.

This is your rap thread.