Another anti-vaxer dies

I’ve been called Communist, Socialist, Engelist, “SNAKE mean” “uncompassionate,” professors will weed me out, unfit to go into medicine etc. for asking that people take precautions for their health in the middle of a pandemic, and if they don’t, then the health system needs to put it on them to be able to be of help to other people.

Why the hell should I even be respectful to these people? I was at the beginning. Not going to waste my time giving them basic respect. They’ve lost my respect. They don’t deserve respect.

At least people who are for abortion, some have been honest about the brutality of it.

These new pro-choicers seem to want to cover it up, under the disguise of hypocrisy and “freedom.” It’s still the same logic, and it’s just as dangerous.

They do. Set the better tone.

Response becomes much like a mirror. Step it up when you can. Fight back only when no other choice is left.

Offer depth instead of response.

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I’m not an “anti-vaxxer”.

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20 years old. Yikes. Get the vaccine.


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So, are you 100% healthy? Do you do anything that would be considered unhealthy by , let’s say, me?
Because if you do, I may not think you deserve to be treated at a hospital either. Wouldn’t want you wasting resources better used by someone else.


Yes get the vaccine.

His case was complicated and his demise was from a brain aneurism.

He was very sick for about three weeks with nausea, vomiting, a 102-degree temperature and digestive issues. He lost 20 pounds off his slight frame and developed a severe sinus infection. Although he received antibiotics for the sinus infection, it was too late to have an impact on the staph infection that had entered his brain and ruptured.

After noticing some erratic behavior, his roommates took him to the emergency room on Sept. 20. He had lost much of the control of his right side of his body. He was rushed into surgery Sept. 21 for a craniotomy to remove as much of the infection as possible. He regained consciousness for a short while after surgery and was able to squeeze our hands and respond to a few simple cues. He even opened his eyes for a moment and looked directly into mine. He knew we were there.

From there, things worsened. He had to have a second craniotomy and several drains placed in his brain. Over several days I watched my son decline more and more. He was on a ventilator, and his eyes became non-reactionary. Finally, a CAT scan showed that blood was no longer entering his brain.

This one ought to excite some leftists. :rofl:


Damn straight! No kidneys for Poxers! Save them for The Worthy!


Why give away a kidney to someone who isn’t concerned for their own health.

Save it for someone who is.


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Now about those obese people…

Pretty soon, libs will have a new grave to dance on, even if they have to create one themselves. :wink:


The problem with your stance is that you think that if someone is Pro Life, that those opposing them must be Pro Abortion. And that isn’t the fact at all.

Most Pro Choice people would never dream of having an abortion, under any circumstance. But that is their personal faith or morals coming into play. This is what is true for me, not under any circumstance except to protect the life of the Mother or if the fetus is not viable.

But I cannot apply my faith and my values to others who do not share them, that is their choice to make. No one is pro abortion, they really are pro choice.


Why the hell would you give a kidney to someone who refuses to vaccinate? You do realize what post transplant life is like, yes? Lots and lots of immunosuppressants. If you aren’t immune to COVID prior the chance you have a bad infection is incredibly high. There are loads of patients waiting who are vaccinated, why waste that precious kidney when someone else could get it and live?


Kill 'em all! :rofl:



The opposite of pro life isn’t anti life. It’s pro choice.




Yeah! Freakin’ Poxers!

You mean Russian Roullete fans?

No, I mean Poxers.