idk but hawt.
She is OK looking.
A real political neophyte.
Lots of China connections.
Shanahan grew up in Oakland, California,[7][8] In a 2023 interview with People magazine, Shanahan said that she had a “very hard” childhood marked by traumatic experiences; she described her father, who died in 2014, as a sufferer of bipolar disorder and schizophrenia.[7] She said that her mother, who was born in China,[1] worked as a maid before becoming an accountant.[7][8]
Shanahan attended Saint Mary’s College of California[1] before moving to Washington state, where she received a bachelor’s degree from the University of Puget Sound, where she studied Asian studies, economics, and Mandarin Chinese.[7] Before law school, she worked as a paralegal and patent specialist,[7][9] the latter role at defensive patent aggregator RPX Corp.[9]
By China law if her mother is born in China she is considered Chinese. FWIW.
Who can be regarded as a Chinese citizen?
Answer: Anyone having any of the following characteristics is regarded as a citizen of China:
- Persons belonging to any of the nationalities in China;
- Any person born in China whose parents are both Chinese nationals or one of whose parents is a Chinese national;
- Any person born abroad whose parents are both Chinese nationals, or one parent who is a Chinese national;
- Any person born in China whose parents are stateless, or of uncertain nationality, and have settled in China.
Irrelevant - she was born in the US and therefore would be eligible to assume the position of President.
But its a moot point because RFK has zero chance of winning.
Sure. I didn’t imply she was ineligible.
Her political philosophy may align more with Biden and Xi than MAGA maniacs…maybe.
I think she will be getting the Palin treatment from the press if his polling gets over 5%.
Ms. Farleftmoneybags.
RFK said Biden is bigger threat to democracy than President Donald Trump.
And he’s right…
who cares. shes 38 and was born in California, a natural born citizen of the United states.
Well, it’s now known what is really going on.
I’m going to be honest. I have no dog in this hunt, as I think both major party candidates are unacceptable (as is RFK). For me, I’m just going to sit back and enjoy the Kabuki theatre.
This is one person, not sure how you can extrapolate from that there is a cabal actively working against Biden in the dem camp.
Quite honestly I have got to the point where I do not really give a ■■■■ who wins in November.
The US system is just one continual election season with no respite.
Where are the Democrats in that story?
It looks like an anti vaxxer who is working to get Trump elected by promoting RFK jr as a spoiler.
From the link:
“The Democratic National Committee is even building a team to combat the rise of independent candidates.”
So the federal investigation the Dems have opened on RFKjr is a logical next step.
You should…did you ever check out Project 2025?
His campaign finally sees what everyone else sees. RFKs stupidest ideas have too much overlap with red-hat dogma.
Yeah that tracks
Too bad they don’t have a vaccine for that.
BTW, perhaps he should have taken ivermectin for that.