Announced One Hour Ago: ... Anti-vaccine activist RFK Jr. challenging Biden in 2024

Good selection. The discussion began when RFK Jr said he doesn’t hold his phone next to his head. He uses the speaker function instead.

This is an easy practice to give distance from a radiation source to reduce exposure. Not at all crazy. Simple and logical.

RFK suggested the studies he has seen give him cause for concern. He in no way suggested a proven causal relationship.

A solid opinion and practice.

Trump loves debates. He’s not dodging anyone.

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Those rigors are too much for a dementia riddled person as well but yet you people totally support Biden in the office.

Go figure. :roll_eyes:

p.s. I might add that Biden is visited by a genuine addict quite often.

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This is a thread about heroin addict RFK Jr.

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That was unnecessary and harsh.

RFK Jr has owned his long past mistakes.

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The Bidens never own anything.

No matter whether it is an addiction or corruption.


No seriously. No one should vote for an addict for president of the United States. Not alcohol, not narcotics. Even if they’re in recovery.

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Fetterman is fine as long as he is a mere Senator?


RFK has had a distinguished career and his youthful drug issues are of no concern to me now.

Which has absolutely NOTHING to do with wifi. So he’s wrong again.

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RFK is a genuine addict.

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Republicans pondering why oh why Democrats aren’t going to vote for a heroin addict in recovery for president :joy::laughing:

You can draw a different conclusion and tape your phone to your ear. That doesn’t make him wrong. It’s just a different interpretation based on inconclusive data.

Voters against Biden understand the forces aligned to keep his appeal afloat.

RFK Jr is a populist candidate who has championed the environment and litigated big pharma.

I am enjoying getting to know him.

I just like the guy.

Another thing he has in common with Trump is that his rhetoric isn’t pandering and empty. A place where Desantis has gone.

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Apparently DOCTOR Peter Hotez won’t walk the walk. All bluff and no stuff.

One would think he would JUMP at the chance to enrich a charity and inform a huge audience.

Looks like he is afraid of the heroin addict.

In another tweet, Rogan said, “This is a non answer. I challenged you publicly because you publicly quote tweeted and agreed with that ■■■■■■■ vice article. If you’re really serious about what you stand for, you now have a massive opportunity for a debate that will reach the largest audience a discussion like this has ever had. If you think someone else is better qualified, suggest that person.”


No more Kennedys.

Jr has found a cozy home in Maga. That’s all we need to know.

He has a solid point.

The HI wildfire could have been prevented.

marx nodding yes

Kennedy conducted an epic takedown on the vaccine issue at a recent townhall.


Here is an excerpt and a link to the letter from HHS that Kennedy mentions:

Drug companies have been fined billions of dollars for fraud, bribery, false claims, etc. yet we are supposed to believe that they are trustworthy. Skeptacism is more reasonable.


Could a Third party run or a partnership with Trump be on the horizon?