Baloney. I stated an irrefutable fact: McCain can no longer do damage to our country using his vote.
The unavoidable truth is, the Bernie Sanders, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’ and Andrew Gillum’s socialist plan for “free” college tuition will be paid for by taxing millions of college graduates who worked for and paid their own way through college and are now trying to finance their own economic needs.
No you were trying to give her an out for what she said. You find it impossible to criticize anyone associated with conservatism. You always attempt to explain what they meant or why they said something.
I would like your honest opinion on a couple of things. Do you consider John McCain an American hero? Do you consider Coulter’s tweet as inappropriate and cruel? Simple yes or no answer will suffice. Thanks.
He is a hero as is anyone who went through captivity like that…not for his political actions. Few heroes get the sort of media worship he is getting though nor is it ever so meshed with attacks against a sitting President. Lets not forget that many of those crying most now were spitting on his military record or statesmanship in 2008. It is to an extent bogus.
Did Coulter go to far? I believe she had the right concept that this is being overblown for political reasons but she said it in the rudest and crudest way she could because…that’s what she does.