I thought I’d seen everything until I saw this Ann Coulter tweet today. Anyone who would justify this is as sad an excuse for a human being as she is.
I’ll say it. Disgusting and petty.
I think calling it petty is letting her off easy. And she’s taking some nasty heat for it. I couldn’t put some of the comments in this thread she’s getting.
As Ann becomes less relevant she feels the need to say something “newsworthy” to try and recapture some of the attention she used to receive in the 90’s.
This happens a couple times per year. In the past it has always worked but now with Trump and his supporters it’s getting harder for Ann to stand out as being outlandish.
You’re giving Coulter the attention she craves.
Sounds pretty standard to me.
Her meaning is no doubt that the degree of media concern over the late Senator might be exaggerated for political purposes, especially after the way the Democrats and much of their media treated him when he ran in 2008.
Her way of saying it was, of course, in the way that would draw the most attention. She is no stranger to shock value.
THAT… ladies and gentlemen is how you do being an apologists for a disgusting human being.
I was explaining what she does, not justifying it or apologizing for it. But interpret it as you wish.
She is a vile creature worthy on contempt
thsnks for the cultspanation
What should we expect from her?
Something different than what she did?
Good take
Or, she is just proving again to be a bottom feeding witch spewing more of her “hey look at me” shock schlock.
Ann Coulter seems to revel in the exhibition of herself as a body that seems empty, bereft of a soul.
It is to pity.
At this point it doesn’t surprise me at all. She will say whatever she needs to say to seem outrageous and make sure there is attention on her. Sadly I imagine it’s easy to go through life without a conscience or moral compass.
i know these kind of people. they’re all very similar.
Agreed. She is becoming less relevant.
I also agree with your assessment of her initial tweet.