Ann Coulter sinks to a new low (and for her that's pretty bad)

Correct. And many of her followers are way, way lower than she is.

All one has to do to confirm that is read the comments section of any Breitbart article.

When the party that controls all three branches of government is the GOP, they cry victim 24/7.

Johnny doesn’t support this country. He doesn’t want to bring us together. He wants the United States to collapse.

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They are definitely scavengers.

He’s still just really pissed that the 19th, 20th, and 21st centuries have existed. He parties like it’s 1789.


I wish we could have posts from the 2008 election time frame. I’d love to bring back how McCain was treated by the left here as opposed to now. It’s like freaking night and day.

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On the plus side we get to watch all the Trump fans complain about how “uncivil” and “improper” it is for McCains daughter et al to go after Trump at the funeral, given how Trump has approached McCain the last couple years.

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I’ve been busy the past couple of days but am catching up today. I listened to two eulogies that I thought were absolutely outstanding; President Obama and Meghan McCain. The President’s was comforting, peaceful and a joining together of all, regardless of differences, to place them aside and recognize the greatness that passed. Meghan’s was from a daughter’s perspective and when listening, you could not doubt her sincerity when declaring to the world that her father was a great father. Both of these perspectives become more sobering upon the realization, it’s being said at the subject matter’s funeral.

As a politician, I didn’t care for the man and said so. This upset some, who had thought me a friend. Let it be known that I’m well aware that politics, in the true scheme of important things in this life, are not one, nor two, nor three in their relevance to impact on lives left behind whom you loved dearly. As a soldier, as a father and as a fellow man…Captain John McCain…may you find the peace in The Lord this life did not give you.

If you care to hear either one, here they are.


What about John McCain’s politics did you not like?
Moist curious.

Why? There was a lot to dislike about McCain in 2008. For one he was running against Obama, a much better candidate. But he also had Sarah Palin, who was an anchor around his campaign. Funny you don’t see that. People are respecting McCain the man. As they should. It’s the right thing to do. Funny a lot of Republicans can’t seem to do that.

Of course you are. Anything that drives clicks her way or gets anyone to tun into her show puts dollars in her pockets.

No we certainly were not.

The truth and facts, in many cases, are not a “pretty sight” to some, especially socialists who thrive on “free government cheese”.


First it was McCain’s No Child Left behind Act, and then it was McCain’s No Alien sent back home scheme ___ our one party gang in Washington is corrupted to the core!

So trump acts like a petulant child with the death of an American hero and the supposed patriots are in this thread acting just like their cult leader. This is really sad for this country.

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please explain exactly how he is acting like a “petulant child”

Please explain exactly why you even asked.

Not surprising though. Many of them are just like the President.

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Socialism is intentionally designed to benefit politicians who confiscate and then redistribute “free government cheese”, while they enslave those who produce the cheese.

not just the hypocritical left here, but in the media as well

the last word they would use for mccain in 2008 was “hero”

the left blows with media wind like dead leaves