Ann Coulter sinks to a new low (and for her that's pretty bad)

I think those of us on the left are much more open now to bipartisanship than the right because so much of the right has swung to the far (alt) right. You can see examples of it in this thread how steadfast they are.

What an asinine thing to say. Show some respect.

Reaching across the aisle and bipartisanship is Washington Newspeak to subvert the Constitution and screw the American People.



First it was McCain’s No Child Left behind Act, and then it was McCain’s No Alien sent back home scheme ___ our one party gang in Washington is corrupted to the core!

Jeez it hasn’t even been a week yet.

Ladies and gentlemen, trump’s America.

Bipartisanship is inhernetly attractive to the party that doesn’t control three branches of government.

Backup post:

Some people exist for the single purpose of being as evil as they possibly can be.

What a clever way to avoid refuting my post or disagreeing with its content.



The unavoidable truth is, the Bernie Sanders, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’ and Andrew Gillum’s socialist plan for “free” college tuition will be paid for by taxing millions of college graduates who worked for and paid their own way through college and are now trying to finance their own economic needs.

you can’t even get your New York City con man and adulterer to nominate justices to overturn RvW. he instead nominates someone that will protect him against prosecution from his lawbreaking.

so stop trying to convince people that Trump, white supremacists or Trump republicans have more class and humanity than the Obama family. you just look stupid with those posts.

oh, and still no post from you about Ann’s comment. not surprising.

The fact that it was part of McCain’s makeup proves you are wrong.

McCain’s bipartisan approach proves he was not a Republican, and was disloyal to his oath of office to support “this Constitution”. He was more interested in imposing his socialist views of fairness, justice and reasonableness as the rule of law.


"The public welfare demands that constitutional cases must be decided according to the terms of the Constitution itself, and not according to judges’ views of fairness, reasonableness, or justice." – Justice Hugo L. Black ( U.S. Supreme Court Justice, 1886 - 1971) Source: Lecture, Columbia University, 1968

It’s this kind of talk we as a nation don’t need. It’s not bringing us together.

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What’s also disgusting is the large number of politicians and pundits who are exploiting McCains death for political purposes.


You’re humiliating yourself with these comments.


Nope. JUst not caving to the sharks.

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Yeah that Meghan girl and some of the pallbearers were way out of line.

Truth and facts do not set people free?


First it was McCain’s No Child Left behind Act, and then it was McCain’s No Alien sent back home scheme ___ our one party gang in Washington is corrupted to the core!


By doing it.

What a dumb conclusion to reach in a thread on a conservative political forum where liberals are having to defend the honor of a dead conservative.

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