Anheuser-Bush sheds 5 billion in value!

He gets views because he’s a freak. Like rubber necking a severe car accident.

Only this time Bud decided to put the car accident in commercials mistaking disgust for popularity.


Oh my god! It’s up today by about a buck. Everything must be fine then.

The single most accurate statement in the history of this forum!


Well, someone hoping for the story to change might believe that.

Google “dead cat bounce”.

perhaps but i highly doubt there was any business light at the end this tunnel.

they used their “brand” as a billboard for their views. like these idiot wokey football players (and women’s soccer) using their profession for same.

thanks! honored.

it’s just a simple matter of fact.


Target wasn’t hurt long term by their embracing perversion, nor Disney or Coke, or Starbucks, neither will AB be hurt. The stock market is about making money. Traders will drive the price up and down and make money both ways.

Unfortunately moral decency in America is so far gone, it no longer has any noticeable impact on businesses.


good point!!

if this happened in a previous era before the virus of leftism infected society they would be ruined for good

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Pffft. If I’m at a bbq or something, Bud Lite in a can is just fine.

It was also around then that AB started slipping on their Superbowl commercials too. They haven’t had a “classic” in some time now.

Someone was on the Jim Rome show a while back , I think talking about Busch Lite (but what’s the difference, really) - saying how it’s actually not bad for you as far as staying hydrated cause it’s practically mostly water anyhow :ocean:

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I don’t like beer, so my beer of choice is Bud Light in aluminum bottles. Those bottles rock!

Haha !

I think maybe that’s putting the cart before the horse a little ?

You drink Bud Light in aluminum bottles :arrow_right: ergo you don’t like beer, I wouldn’t either :sweat_smile:


Oh, I’ve done brewery tours and such. Just can’t develope a taste. That’s why BL: it’s virtually tasteless. :slightly_smiling_face:

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4.1% alcohol by volume.

I remember marveling at the first aluminum bottle I got served at a ball game LOL. Pretty cool.


You’re aware the woke marketer that concocted this ■■■■ show did so without approval from AB execs?

That bitch needs to be fired along with every other “diversity inclusion and dumbassery” office.


What language. Is that vitriol for people different from you really warranted?

What the ■■■■ are you even talking about?

Damn cuz.