Anheuser-Bush sheds 5 billion in value!



Personally I think it is the right thing to stand against a pervert who makes sexual comments on social media about 8 year olds.

Would you not agree?

I personally don’t hold people to stupid ■■■■ that they said when they were 15.

Yeah… it was terrible what she said… but she was being an edgy online 15 year old.

A trans individual is a seriously mentally ill person that should not be taken seriously, or portrayed by the public as normal. Kids pay attention to everything. Abominations should be shunned.


Why am I not suprised that you are defending a man making sexual posts about 8 year olds on social media.

Said it before and will say it again.

Leftists have never seen a perversion they won’t defend.

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I take some issue with that you would want those who you consider to be mentally ill to be shunned.

Doesn’t make sense.

And for some reason leftists want to encourage the mental disorder instead of treating it.

Makes no sense.

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15 year olds say stupid things.

I don’t think anything is gained by holding people accountable for edgy ■■■■ they say when they are children.

Oh really. Did you make sexual comments towards 8 year olds when you were 15?

I know I didn’t.

But continue to defend the indefensible.

Kinda what lefties do.


I didn’t post anything like that online when I was fifteen because it was the 80’s.

If you want to hold adults accountable for edgy stupid ■■■■ that they said as children then that is on you.

I don’t see any value in that.

If she said such things as an adult… catapult her into a volcano.

Only because there is no (R) next to his name.

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No… I hold that true for everyone.

Yeah. Sure ya do🙄

Snow. Flakes.

Does this apply to gay people as well? Also, in a diverse society, there is no “normal”.

What a crock of crap.

The ■■■■■■■ bull feces confusion being laid on the backs of our nation’s children who have unbalanced, ununited parents that do not protect them from this transgender INSANITY!

Not at all…normal is subjective, your normal is very different than my normal, although we probably have more in common than not.

Typical leftist pablum.

if y’all were really about protecting children, you would do something about shootings in schools.