Anheuser-Bush sheds 5 billion in value!

AKA Reality.

I would…if I were king. I’d also work on the murders of our youth in our inner cities that FAR EXCEEDS your drop in the ocean "V"irtuous post regarding school shootings.



What would you do as king?

The 50’s are long gone…both the 1850’s and the 1950’s.

Which is a great thing…

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First thing.

Completely close the borders to all but American citizens and those who have properly gone through the immigration process.


Nice straw man.


Doesn’t change the fact that your comment is delusional.

Every school would have an armed officer and entrances used would have a scanning device. No one comes in without being scanned. Parents would be held accountable for the behavior of their children. Children that have behavior problems will have a specific school designed for their poor behavior and expelled from schools that are for those dedicated to learning. I’d go back to teaching the basics of math, literature, English, spelling, reading, science and history.


“Normal” varies on to whom one talks to. Denying that is delusional.

That is like saying truth depends upon who you talk to.

Complete pile of crap.

But not surprised. Leftists can’t even define what a man or woman is, how can I expect them to understand the concept of normality.

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Interesting plan…basically turn schools into prison/war zone complexes…sounds like a great environment for learning.

Today’s schools are already teaching tthe things you list…well, except for all of history…

Really? Then why is it that so many HS graduates around the country can’t even pass the state math tests? You don’t even know how much you don’t know and that’s where you need to start.

Here is just Baltimore.

I fix problems. I don’t apply stupid, "V"irtuous nonsense that simply exacerbates problems.


Not “shunned”…treated for their mental illness.


Here is that concept
The condition of being normal; the state of being usual, typical, or expected.

Life would be boring, if that is all there was…

Then again, some folks need that…which is fine.

Congratulations on using Google.

Now exactly how does that not destroy your entire hypothesis that normality is relative again?

Libs do that kind of dishonesty a lo around here.

Some more than others.

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I agree… and the treatment for the dysphoria is to match the body to the dysphoria.

He used the phrase “Abominations should be shunned”.


If a man believes himself to be a cockroach (Kafka LOL) we do nit try and transform him into a bug? Why is it different if a man believes himself to be a woman. (Read delusional).

characterized by or holding false beliefs or judgments about external reality that are held despite incontrovertible evidence to the contrary, typically as a symptom of a mental condition.
“hospitalization for schizophrenia and delusional paranoia”

Incontrovertible evidence?

The existence of the “Y” chromosome.


It’s why I generally shun your garbage posts on here. Too much of your content is an abomination.