Angry Grandpa to have a hate speech group perform at his inauguration

Calm down. He didn’t label anybody as a fascist.

Interesting list.

What is the opposite of fascism?

I’m confused. I thought the Angry Grandpa was the one who lost. Both Biden and Trump are grandfathers and Trump seems a lot more angry recently.


Are you saying your fellow honored guests who have called liberals fascist are guilty of hate speech?

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Democracy, Sovereignty, Autonomy.

Did this happen? Yes and it’s easy to verify. Now the question becomes…are they promoting the unity that Biden has said he wants? No. Here’s another example.

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And what does that have to do with the U.S. almost a century later? Flinging that word around as loosely as libs do is hate speech. Find a better word.

What Angry Grandpa needs to do is make a Lincoln type “malice towards none” acceptance speech. but of course he’s not bright enough to do that. I’m expecting “Mr. Unity” to make one of the most divisive speeches in history. But since he’s not my President, I won’t watch a second of it.

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Whose sovereignty? Can fascism be voted in? Autonomy at what level?

You are allowed to be confused. I have no issue with your confusion.

Is this a fair definition of fascism?

Fascism is a form of far-right, authoritarian ultranationalism characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition and strong regimentation of society and of the economy.


Good question. I would prefer neither side use the term.

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How about communist, the commonly accepted opposite?

Yes. Most of the principles of communism and fascism line up. Not much difference between the way Stalin ruled and the way Hitler ruled.

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I don’t believe that communism is the opposite.

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And @wiley8425 included him on his list.

Most people do.

What about this?

What is the opposite of fascism in your view?

Didn’t you get the memo…Only Conservative white guys can utter hate speech. Everybody else can burn other people’s stuff and occasionally kill those other people. If it’s a black officer its ok because only certain Black Lives Matter.

Welcome to the new normal in America…

Freedom of Speech.

Nah…Just shut up and comply.

That is a great question. I’m not sure I know. Maybe anarchy?

I just don’t understand why a supporter of an angry grandfather would call a less angry grandfather an angry grandpa.