Angry Grandpa to have a hate speech group perform at his inauguration

dictatorial power
forcible suppression of opposition
strong regimentation of society and of the economy

Check and balance democracy
Freedom of expression

I would offer that the opposite of fascism, whether left or right, is:


Twitter and Facebook are now playing a major role in running the country now so…

It’s all good!


Me too.

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Again. Nobody cares what you do or don’t understand. It’s nowhere on the list of priorities.

[quote=“fallenturtle, post:64, topic:238054, full:true”]


Self governing versus one ruler was my take on it. Representatives or the people ruling instead of a monarch/dictator.

Oh so you weren’t talking about the OP at all. Got it.

They aren’t opposites, they were just in opposition back in the early 20th century. And of course the irony being that in the end both Stalin and Hitler ruled over totalitarian states.

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What does that have to do with a President who thinks he can do whatever he wants while in office (despite laws or the will of the people he’s supposed to be serving) versus a President who is in office to serve the people (all of them, not just his supporters)? If you don’t know, I’m not sure I can explain it to you.

If that is the case, how was Trump fascist?

Does a fascist government have to be a dictatorship or can it be oligarchal?

Did he? Was he a fascist?

Did he not? Did you pay attention to anything he said over the last four years?

If he had gotten his way, he very well could have been.

Sure. Was he a fascist?

Did he do more fascism than other Presidents?

Which principles line up? Stalin didn’t do communism, he ruled more like a fascist, which is why there are many parallels between Stalin’s USSR and Hitler’s Germany… they were basically both totalitarian.

Seems pretty fascist leaning to me. That’s subjective though. Obama certainly worked around Congress as well. I guess it boils down to who was doing what they did in order to help others instead of themselves?

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You care enough to reply. :hugs:

Economic activity must be totally controlled and approved by the government.
Mandatory service to the state
Single party Rule.
Government control of the press.
Severe speech restrictions.
Unlimited search and seizure.

Which of these is communism and which is fascism?


…as Buddy sings, that’ll be the day. :sunglasses:

strong regimentation of society and of the economy

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None of those are communism. All are fascism.

Remember under communism there is no state.

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