And so it begins

And the survey says,

Travis county.

Hillary 66
Donald 27


Of course it matters.

So history major. What was the final vote from the house impeachment of Andrew Johnson and did it matter?


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And what was the final vote in the the house on the abuse of power charge?

Did it matter?


Maybe to Trump’s toughest critics but like someone else said, history wont remember… or care.

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Irrelevant. The METT-TC is different now.

Impeachment isn’t. Still needs a majority of the House to impeach.


Btw final house vote was 126-47 in favor of impeachment.

And here is some words of wisdom for the esteemed Congressman Thaddeus Stevens

“This is not to be the temporary triumph of a political party,” he said, “but is to endure in its consequence until this whole continent shall be filled with a free and untrammeled people or shall be a nest of shrinking, cowardly slaves.”

So are you free or are you a slave, sneaky?

Allan (history professor emeritus of the school of hard knocks)

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Voters will.

And voters to be re-elected.

Voters have a short memory.


That’s all it takes.

So you think the house will go red in 2020.



I don’t know. That’s what you said in '09.

That will not be his claim to fame.

His claim to fame will be what he was able to accomplish on NAFTA and China Trade and how he was able to bring manufacturing back to America

Obamacare extemely unpopular in the 2010 elections.

As unpopular as trump is now.


How many impeached presidents have been re-elected?

The history book one hundred years from now.

Who were the first three impeached presidents?

Or put tariffs on imports?

That’s a tough one.


If it happens trump will be the first.

Johnson didn’t run


Clinton could not.


Revising since 2002 on Hannity