America is closed for businesses - thank you Democrats! 😠

As for shutting thing down, we can second guess that decision all we want but fact still remain…it too would have long term economic impact if we left everything open IMO.

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who is saying its a “giant liberal plot to ruin the nation?”

Um…from the OP of this thread:

But enter the Democrats. The left will never let a crisis to waste, and the Wuhan Flu has been no exception. They’ve wrecked America’s economy just to spite Trump and to give an advantage to their senile groper, Joe Biden.

I can’t wait to hear your “explanation” on how this ISN’T an accusation of a “Great Liberal Plot To Ruin The Nation”.

oh one person from an anonymous online msg board

umkay. have fun

OK. So you agree that Trump was right to defer to Fauci’s advice at the beginning of the pandemic.

So, IF the advice being funnelled to Trump through Fauci, which is proving practically to not have produced the best possible outcomes holistically for the both the world economy and world health, was designed to lead to an economic collapse for the US under the guise of medical necessity, Trump had no politically viable choice at the time other than to follow Fauci, keep a close eye on the results and begin to turn the panicked stampede from the cliff once there was enough hard data to politically to justify a change of course away from Fauci’s recommendations.

Yeah…just one guy is saying this.

In the very thread you are posting in.


This idea is gaining traction all over the CEC.

Of course if I posted one here, I might get accused of Contempt of Friend of Host.

If I can be assured that won’t happen, I’ll post an example.

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Yes, Trump does have the authority to overrule Fauci. If he thought Fauci was giving him bad advice he could have sought out better advice.

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It was not feasible politically for Trump to sideline Fauci early on. The press would have had a field day on that. Give Fauci the reins and let Fauci discredit his own expertise in the public mind by its fruits. When his public standing drops, due to the negative medical and economic outcomes of his touted strategy, then move him aside.

Do you? And how do you know? What metrics are you using?

Trump has sidelined members of his administration left and right, it’s hard to accept that he has now changed.

The time lapse between when a Narrative Appears in the CEC and when it gets spouted out by people here…all of whom, of course, will swear up and down they “never watch Talk Media”.

I could point you to several examples of this exact same narrative being played out in Talk Media over the past days and weeks.

Only after evidence of incompetence or disingenuity towards the administration.

And the left doesn’t?

For record…who here has talked about weaponization of government agencies long before talk radio or media? :sunglasses:

And that’s just one example. :wink:

President Trump gave Fauci the power to kill excess people and tank the economy, just to have an excuse to move him aside?

Jeezuz the pretzels we weave to blame absolutely anyone else.

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So what?

The press hates everything he does, according to you.

Good leaders do what is right even if the political consequences are bad.

And if we are to listen to the people in this thread, the charge is we overreacted in shutting the country down.

If that is the case, Trump sending guidance to the states that we could get through this following more of a Swedish model would have been borne out in actual results, and if so that would have HELPED his political cause, not harmed it.

Maybe with a less draconian approach we have 85,000 deaths but a less weakened economy, and people are happy with that trade off.

The point of the matter is…he had the authority to advise that.

He didn’t. And unless you think he’s a Democrat, it puts to lie the thesis of the OP.

The GOP governors also enacting these guidelines…even ones like Mike DeWine who did it relatively early for Ohio…also put to lie this notion.


Why is he hiring the incompetent and the disingenuent in the first place?

okie doke. make sure you post evidence to refute it too

And people have luxury to second guess every decision made. And of course those very same decision were taken from them.

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So your claim is that Donald Trump could not stand up to the press on the matter of firing Dr. Fauci. Trump routinely kicks the presses collective butt.

Donald Trump is the smartest, bravest and most effective President in the history of the United States and I for one are sick of listening to Trump haters like you suggest he is a weakling.


Sure they do.

Like they are doing in this very thread…assigning malicious motives to the “Dem governors” who followed the federal guidelines while at the same time claiming Trump “had no choice but to do so”.

This is not honest discussion…this is pushing a Narrative.

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