Ambassador McFaul threatened

They will literally support things that they would haaaaate if a liberal did it- tariffs, trade wars, coddling the Kremlin, defying US Intelligence officials, exploding the deficit… but hey…

Lib tearz!!!

Apparently the one thing that throws him into a rage is when he doesn’t feel like enough people are defending him. He lost it after Charlottesville. He lost it over the border thing. He lost it after this.

I’ve got a new strategy. “It would make liberals really really mad if Trump resigned.”

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This is literally the first time that McConell has entertained the idea of a legislative way of curtailing trump (except for those Russian sanctions that never really happened). ■■■■ this was a Democratic proposal to defend McFaul and McConell was threatenening to have the Senate vote on it.

Trump is cool.

true but it is different now, Charlotville happened a year ago while he was still getting used to the office and the job. Maggie Habberman talked about how for the first time in his life he was actually afraid and uncomfortable hence why he allowed Kelly and the rest to limit and structure his office.
now he thinks he understand it is more comfortable, hence they rise in lies, in tweeting about special counsel, and ignoring everyone else and instead goes with his gut
Also how many people were there to calm him down then vs now? Hope hicks is gone, McEntee, Porter, to name a few. he does not have anyone he trust save his daughter

that was the premise of an entire Key and Peel sketch btw

Hand over citizens to … Aren’t there search and seizure laws that protect everyone (including ambassadors) from being “handed over” to any foreign country.

To hand someone over, don’t you first have to get them in handcuffs or the equivalent.

Well the whole premise was ■■■■■■■ crazy but you know…Trump called it an “incredible offer”…

An “incredible offer”…

But as Rush said- I’m sure Trump said that to troll the Libz right?

I love cults…because there is literally nothing anyone can say to dissuade you until your mom rescues in the dark of night and you spend months in hiding processing why you believed in a madman…

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Wait… isn’t this old news?

Handing over the ambassador to the Russians? The “Incredible offer” just happened in Helsinki. He had time to think about it (i.e. the Senate threatened to legislatively defend McFaul) and he backed down today…

Lotta walkbacks lately.

See that is why I stopped listening. Rush used to be so right on because he actually was right. Now he’s like everyone one else who has to defend Trump to save face…he’s grasping at straws. Seriously. Trump is saying these things because he ■■■■■■■ with Putin? Really Rush…that’s what you want me to believe. Come on Man!

The president of the United States has said he is going to talk to his team about the possibility of turning over state officials to the Russians just to piss me off? Come on Man?

Doesn’t the President of the United States have better things to do than to play mind games with the media and over 60 percent of his citizenry? Come on Man?

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He’s getting major push back from his own party. Usually these folks are spineless jelly fish, but this Putin summit has not been working out well for him at all. Well, except with the cult of 45, they love it.

Yeah thats the thing. Even if this cockamamie excuse was true…its even more damning. The president of the US is making up stories on an international stage to mess with the media? Thats even more frightening.

But didnt you expect something like this when Mueller indicted Russian officers?

Or was that just completely an unexpected outcome of Mueller’s indictment for you?

BTW… I doubt it’s over. This is why Mueller’s indictment was more destructive and dangerous for Americans.

Didn’t I expect that the president of the US was going to seriously entertain the idea of handing over a former Russian ambassador for questioning to the Kremlin?

No. No I never expected that…even from Donald Trump.

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Why should we have expected a sitting President of the United States to seriously entertaining handing Americans…including aformer Ambassador…over to Russia for questioning?


Media and the people…let’s not forget…it upset more than 60 % of us. And he thinks it’s funny or a game. ■■■■■

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What other choice do they have? Either this is all some amazing master plan with a definite endgame or Trump is a total nitwit completely out of his depth and they’re by extensions even bigger idiots, not just for believing there was a plan but sacrificing their principles dignity to defend it.

Well… you want to help Mueller out, right? I mean it’s that important isn’t it?