Ambassador McFaul threatened

I was talking about Kelly not Trump.

Well, that makes my post pointless. The only question is should I leave it up, to showcase my mistake, or remove it because it embarrasses me.


My mistake for misinterpreting who you were talking about. I’m glad there are people who are not worried about their political career who aren’t capitulating to the president. I’m not sure whether they should stay and fight a losing battle and tarnish their careers, or leave and allow things to get even more Trumpian in the HW. It feels like a catch 22.

He’s already got a lot- a sitting US president saying he believes Putin over US intelligence (and faking the walk back), be open to giving up a former ambassador and basically green lighting Russia to act however they want cuz “you think our country has been so innocent?” As well as saying that our relations with Russia have been bad due to US foolishness and stupidity.

Putin is lapping it all up and now just wants to cement the gains…

Whether Trump took it back or not. It’s out there and Putin can use it for perpetuity as far as he is concerned. He got the president of the Untied States to capitulate in front of the world. That’s worth it’s weight in Gold right?

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Look what my dyslexia did…I wrote UNTIED States. Not Freudian by the way…I am totally 100% dyslexic…typing is a BITCH for me!

Cali…no worries. Don’t be embarrassed. I do it all the time!

Sanders walked it back.

Caught a few minutes of Rush on the way back to work. His theory, and I am not making it up, was that Trump made noises about handing the ambassador to Russia solely to upset the media.

So his theory literally is “He’s not a traitor, he’s just pretending to be one to make people mad.”

Who the **** listens to crap and beleives it? How stupid are Rushes listeners? Or maybe most of them are like me and hate-listen because he’s literally the only thing on the damn radio.

Trump’s law in effect.

As expected:

Wonder what’s convincing him to walk everything back so strongly.

Take a look around you.

I have a strong suspicion it’s hard to be a cultist right now.

If you agree with Trump one moment, Trump will change his mind and make you look like a fool.

So cultists have to pretend none of the absurd kabuki theater is happening. “Look at the squirrel!!”

Libs are so gullible…

Oh ya. No one should forget that rp5x5 believes Qanon saying that the entire Obama’s admin and Hillary are going to be rounded up and executed at Guantanamo. They think Hillary and Obama already have been arrested and are wearing ankle monitors.

The Senate might have actually spanked him with legislation that would have embarrassed him.

What I don’t get is: why? Why do they do it? They don’t have to. The politicians have to right now. They have zero at stake to either say something was a bad look or just not say anything.

My cynism says this will last a week maybe 2 at the most

I think people have finally figured out how to get him to back down.

It makes liberal cry. Only reason they do anything. No morals, no values, no plans. Whatever makes liberals angry must be good, whatwver Obama did must be bad

You really think so? I have my doubts and we still have over 2 years more of this clown. I’ll bit my words if this last for more then 2 weeks