Amazon cancels NYC headquarters because of political opposition

I have seen a few polls from the whole state to just the city, you could be correct but I haven’t seen one were the majority even in the city was against Amazon from coming.

Herself and the democratic leadership that so quickly jumped on board with her idiocy promoting her agenda.

There is a little more complications to the polls than a true /false statement.

I was personally for Amazon moving in, but I was also understanding that it would be a disaster for the neighborhood where they were looking to build

amazon implicated AOC in the harsh political climate

even nbc realizes and admits it

so no, not wrong.

Of course she benefits. She is a politician. The leadership. Some of the leadership are basking in her flavor of the month. The green deal is already gone… she is socialist, the dems for the most part are not.

here’s an article showing how AOC continues to lead negativity against this company…

dingbat goddess openly sticks her naive foot in her mouth again about amazon and gets a response. a direct response. but i know i know she’s not leading anything…

Any negativity that Amazon gets over it’s labor practices is well deserved.

Look… I like Amazon. They provide an awesome service. I have worked on TV productions that show on Amazon, so I have directly benefitted from their growth.

That opinion though should not blind people to the fact that they are a huge corporation who enjoys enormous tax breaks, high profitability but have this little problem of treating it’s lowest workers like crap.

Faux News, hahahaha.

Strike One.

Sad how 30-40 years of supply siderism and talk media has reduced the human equation in many people’s minds to “What’s good for corporations is good for people”.

Really sad that people are reduced to economic units of input in some other people’s minds.

corporations who bring so much revenue to an area deserve tax breaks. this benefits the employees and the area businesses. and the local govts still get a lot of tax revenue

the supposed horrible working conditions are not an issue. it isnt widespread and no one holds a gun to employees heads making them work there. if any of it is even true

whats wrong with corporations?

That you even asked this question shows how much you completely missed the point.

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the tweets are right in the article.

ok, so, nothing wrong with them?

i mean, besides reducing people to “economic units”. not sure what else they should be

No one “deserves” tax breaks.

And I work in an industry that is supported by tax incentives… we don’t “deserve” them but we make the case that they are beneficial.

To me… Amazon didn’t make that case in public.

If this deal was done in the open with input from all parties in the beginning I have my doubts that it would have fallen apart… but it was the quintessential backroom deal and they were banking on the political will to push it through despite any honest objections.

Amazon pulled out right after meeting with the major construction labor unions.

I think that given what is going on in Staten Island right now with that distribution center under pressure to Unionize they didn’t want to give the low end labor any ammunition and have organized labor it spread along their supply chain.

A company doesn’t make Billions of dollars and pay negative taxes by paying people a living wage you know.

But it is okay… NYC will be fine. That area of Queens was already booming without Amazon and it will continue to boom without them.

Yeah, their worth is about a nickel! :roll_eyes:

i’ll enumerate this:

  1. if the people working there dont think they are paid enough they can leave

  2. tax incentives bring in business and therefore revenue to the area. corps that pick a location and thrive deserve those tax breaks i guess we’ll just have to disagree. i bet you think the govt “deserves” tax revenue from them tho right?

  3. if the people working there dont think they are treated fairly they can leave. or unionize (but not just because they think they deserve more than they’re worth )

  4. they openly implicate AOC as being part of the anti-profit anti-business political environment

Call me crazy but I think that we should all be treated equally.

i understand

i for one hate communism though

Equality under the law is now communist? Here I thought it was quite an American ideal.