Amazon cancels NYC headquarters because of political opposition

equal opportunity is

not equal treatment

Well, that’s a hell of a sentence.

Really? So you think the law shouldn’t apply to all Americans equally?

Frankly I’m a little disgusted.

That’s pretty damning.

  1. Or Unionize and make everyone’s jobs better.

  2. Sometimes they do and sometimes they don’t… see also Foxconn

  3. “Worth” is what the people can get for selling their labor. It is not just the part of the equation of what the corporation is willing to pay to buy their labor.

4.The Public Authorities Control Board had an infinite amount more to do with Amazon pulling out than AOC did.

AOC is a great scapegoat, but the very fact is that if she can kill a huge deal with a mean tweet then she is the most powerful politician in the country.

I guess maybe she’s following the lead of our president who makes mean tweets belittling companies he doesn’t like.

They think government takes cares of everything, until they get Venezuela then it’s Oops

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it’s not just a “mean tweet”

again, amazon reacted to her attitude. so it evidentally was part of the calculus

i didnt say that

so that should provide some comfort to you

This is the thing that I’m not underatanding about this thread.

I see a bunch of people who don’t live in New York, crying that AOC made Amazon go away - the question is, why do you care?

Long Island City isn’t in need. It’s already growing at an incredible rate. It can’t handle more expansion.

And most importantly, the people who live there don’t want Amazon to come. I live in Arlington, and I’m pissed my local reps aren’t fighting them as hard as the New York State Senate is. No one here is happy about it.

Amazon should put their new headquarters in Detroit - somewhere that needs it.

If Everything is fine in NYC, why are so many people leaving?

On the flip side, more than 208,000 residents left the New York City metropolitan area last year. This was nearly twice as many as the second biggest loser, Los Angeles, which had a decline of nearly 110,000. Chicago fell by 85,000. Honolulu, San Jose, New York and Bridgeport, CT lost the highest shares of their residents to other parts of the country.

In Chicago, New York and Los Angeles, the three areas with a triple-digit daily exodus, people are fleeing at a greater rate than just a few years earlier. Soaring home prices and high local taxes are pushing local residents out and scaring off potential movers from other parts of the country.

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New York City really lost a chance to be loyal serfs to Amazon. Think of all the “economic opportunity” they missed out on.

Simple answer - they hate AOC. Despise her. Are afraid of her, whatever the reason, but its her. She’s the new Hillary Clinton.

People are leaving because they’re being priced out.

Amazon HQ would only make that worse.


But you’ve yet to say whether you think we should be treated equally under the law.

Which, I’ll remind you, is the topic of discussion.

Amazon had to get the approval of the PACB, the Public Authorities Control Board, in order to move forward. It is a small star chamber of three politicians that requires unanimous consent. One of the members is Michael Gianaris who just so happens to be the State Senator in the area where Amazon was going to locate HQ2.

That had much much much more to do with it than AOC.

But… keep up the AOC narrative… it is easier I guess.

NYC will be fine. Thank you for your concern though.


real estate prices in Long Island city have been increasing for a very long time. Have you been there lately to see all the developments taking place? The skyline of the entire neighborhood has changed, amazon not moving in, isn’t changing a dam thing.

I had been surprised that they were going to kerplunk down an entity that was going to provide thousands of jobs in such a densely populated area. What do you think the effect would have been on wages?

When I was in high school, I spent a lot time hanging out on Roosevelt Island (the only kid I knew with his own apartment lived there).

After all the stores on the island closed (at 10 or so), the only way to buy beer was to walk over the bridge into LIC, and it was a ■■■■■■■■■

Now when I’m in the city, the skyline of LIC is insane. I see more condo towers each time I visit.