Altair's critical race theory

I don’t disagree. 3rd Amendment outdated? :wink:

There aren’t any because no one cares when an unarmed white person is killed by a cop.
Did the leftist cry in outrage when lavoy was shot by the cops without a gun in his hand?

Thank god most of us have grown up in a world without real racism. Wish anyone complaining about racism today would shut the ■■■■ up. It’s not a thing.

Those who are experiencing it would disagree.

Yes, most young minorities don’t remember what it was like in the '50s.

Just as most of the posters in this thread don’t know what it’s like to be a young minority in 2020.

Ignorance and age can excuse the first group of people, but I don’t see why the second group tries to pretend that young folks don’t know what they are experiencing. The young folks are living their lives and they know the truth about those lives better than anyone else.

I have often marveled at this. Apparently there isn’t enough actual racism left in the country, so the left has taken to inventing it. Very sad.

Maybe you should. Join force with BLM to decry police shooting. But likely you are conflicted in your narrative. You are supposed to support police no matter what.

Did you normalize by populations?

Well, given the number of things that offend people these days, almost anything a racial minority experiences can be considered racism.

Happy Holidays!..:wink:

That offends me. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Our LIB dominated education system begins victim and entitlement indoctrination at a very young age. It is reinforced by our LIB dominated media and entertainment industry.

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Good idea?? It’s what keeps them in power!

So your theory is that there is no racism in America any more?

My kids are in public school and aren’t being taught this.

Where are they learning it then, at home?

That seems to squarely hit the nail upon the head.

It occurs to me that we have a lot of self absorbed folks as a result of being totally spoiled rotten growing up who then go on to be indoctrinated at public Universities which results in the high numbers of radicalized libs these days. :thinking:

No wonder so many are out in the streets rioting and looting at the drop of a hat at any pretext to be offended. :roll_eyes:

Not overtly. :roll_eyes:

The power of reinforcement is what is in play throughout a child’s formative years. If that child is surrounded by those who espouse a victimhood mentality, they will respond in kind. LIBs are all about victimhood, entitlement, etc… That attitude is pervasive in education, the media and the entertainment industry. America’s young are bombarded with those subtle messages, day in and day out.

Too bad. I never promises any. The thread is about my theory. Did you read the title? My critical race theory is 1000 times better than the liberal one.

It’s not an argument. It’s a fact of life. Sorry dude. There is nothing you can do to assure that every person is a good person. But we can stop promoting the lie, that the U.S. is loaded with systemic racism. Right?