Almost half off all Americans are obese

She was about 100 lbs at marriage. 102 lbs now.

I was about 125, but I was still underweight in my early 20’s. I am 145 now, which is pretty much ideal for my height. Anything below 135 would be medically underweight for me.

Geez man are you a hobbit? :wink:

I’ve lost like 25 lbs since I quit drinking several years ago, at 47 I’m in much better shape than I was at 37.

My family on my mom’s side are generally rather scrawny in their youth and tend to stay on the slim side. My paleo diet tends to exaggerate that effect. :smile:

well i’m 5’11" and 175 so i’m doin’ ok. There are quite a few obese people in my fam so I’ve dodged a bullet thus far. The hairloss, not so much.

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6’2 175, with over a dozen broken bones and still going strong at 48. Thank you professional skateboarding and eating decent for keeping me on point… Keep pushing, people


Refined carbs, starchy foods. and sugar are the problem. Cut those out and it’s very difficult to overeat.

And yeah, just drink water. Drinks with calories are a huge problem.


Even when I am at 15% body fat I am considered obese per the BMI. It’s useless.

Soda, Juice, pretty much anything with corn syrup and process sugar.

Yeah there is really no reason to consume calories that way, I treat juice like a dessert.

Coffee, tea, and water all day every day.

Also why so many people have insulin resistance and diabetes.

It is a dessert that we should not be consuming multiple times a day everyday. I’m a tea, water guy and sometimes Kombucha(a pro-biotic).

Now I do treat myself once in a while with a good IPA or stout, but that’s only when I’m out with friends or co-workers.

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Michelle Obama was a fraud and charlatan. She talked about eating healthy then would publish her Super Bowl menu of nothing but grease- Ribs, potato salad and Lemon meringue pie.

Based on a meal for special occasions? Uh…

It was the super bowl…damn ever heard of a cheat day?
Stop dude, just because you didn’t like her does not mean it wasn’t a good campaign.

One million kids didn’t like her lunches, either.

New school lunch standards implemented as a result of First Lady Michelle Obama’s anti-obesity campaign have led to more than 1 million children leaving the lunch line, according to a new report.

The National School Lunch Program saw a sharp decline in participation once the healthy standards went into effect during the 2012-2013 school year. A total of 1,086,000 students stopped buying school lunch, after participation had increased steadily for nearly a decade.

I’m doing my part!

How did you gain the 20 lbs? I’ve been trying to gain but can’t put any on.

Well, just look at who lives in the WH now.

I love this clear example of what we are facing with the delusions of CRCs

This is a manly, fit man: image

while this is an obese woman: image

Says it all.