Almost half off all Americans are obese

Eat healthy on the regular, enjoy yourself on special occasions. Like a super bowl party. Nothing hypocritical about that, you just hate her. Admit it.

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I wonder why… :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :thinking:


Every day must have been a special occasion. She has a butt bigger than a washtub.

WAIT, we are really body shaming Michele? Huh? She is freaking 50 years old in these pics!

A full head of hair weighs about 25 lbs, so you would be 200 lbs if you weren’t bald.

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I ate a lot of peanut butter.

Just say it.

Tell me about it.


Say what?

Most 50 year women have a FRONT BUTT bigger than that, in the most unflattering pics you could scrounge up :laughing:

To much eating period. I was on reddit the other day and someone posted a picture of New York in the summer time and 100’s of men standing out in trying to stay cool with their shirts off and literally everyone in the thread was saying just one thing. “Damn look how skinny everyone is”.

All the tech isn’t helping :slight_smile:

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She’s completely beautiful. And they know it.

You hate her.

Iv been to America, Iv seen what an average serving at a restaurant is.

I’m not shocked by this.

are you suggesting she is fat?
she seem to be in pretty well shape for someone who is almost 6f

what wrong with having a big butt.

She look totally in shape for her body type, she is a tall woman with a large build.
She would be a boss power-lifter.

Did someone have to hide the cauliflower in her spuds?


Haha love it. The guy picking on someone’s butt size telling me to grow up.