Alaska snow crab season canceled as officials investigate disappearance of an estimated 1 billion crabs

This was a ridiculously hot and dry years thanks to a single sunspot.

For reference, it was Sunspot AR3038. It was massive, and was pointed directly at Earth for months.


Personally I can’t stand most seafood. I can handle some shrimp, cod, and walleye, but not a fan much.

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My favorite shellfish by far is mollusk, but the Army was being stingy with those oysters. Only Automatic-Silver-Star-Recipients-For-Showing-Up like Colonels and above got to dine on those. Maybe some POG O3’s if they kissed enough ass. :rofl:

At hang out in man cave here my friend feeds the birds every day. I noticed that there were about half coming around than when I left for east cost.

He said the bird flu wiped lot of em out. Could be the heat too but who knows.

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My wife has tried to get me to eat more seafood, I have tried it, no thanks.


Than you never had perfect cooked salmon. :wink:

The ground was so dry in Missouri that it was splitting apart like mud does when it dries in the sun. I mowed the grass once in July, and it’s been dead and brown since. Hay bales are a valuable commodity right now, and in short supply.

A lot of animals dehydrated to death this year, because of the Sun.


Fighting men need sustenance.


High Protein…

Cooked salmon?


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About 5,000 calories a day just to stay above 185. lol

Wild…good farm for sushi.

Seafood is my favorite food group…. But I live in a landlocked state. Crawfish are around though and hardly anyone traps them so I make due.

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Just not a fan of seafood, just the smell of it makes me nauseous at times. When we go to Red Lobster for their lobster fest, etc for my wife, my order is simple. Cajun Chicken Alfredo with extra cajun. Oh and lots of biscuits…lol

Just never liked it even as a kid.

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Almost all the shrimp eaten in the US comes from farms in Asia and south America by the way.

Hell, I wish I DID like it, it looks amazing, but the taste is just too strong for me.

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Never heard anyone describe salmon as strong flavored, sure you didn’t eat an old one?

Seafood in general

Sashimi-grade fish just means that they were flash-frozen in order to kill off any parasites. Nothing to do with wild or farm raised (both of which happen in the ocean).

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Actually wild contains more parasites. But again nothing is better than right out of ocean or mouth of river onto grill with lemon pepper. :wink: