Alabama church had a revival meeting last week. now they almost all have covid-19

PA governor Tom Wolf and his gender dismorphic health secretary are only number 3 in onerous CV19 restrictions nationwide.

That was a timely reference. Well done!


All we can do is hope.


Come on! Biden flat out called him a racist. No Latin.

You’re getting quite creative in defending the indefensible.

“Sure our stupidity put you in danger…but life is inherently risky so you can’t blame us!”

I’m not defending anything. You think you’re going to live forever? You have ZERO control over when or how you go.

We are all going to test positive eventually.

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It’s getting to point that libs will deny anything they hear or see.

Seems to be working on 52% of likely voters.


“Getting to”… come on!

LOL OK…I stand corrected. :rofl:

I do have some control, don’t we all? Suicide? Engaging in risky or safe behaviors, diet effects when I might go. That isn’t ZERO.

So you are saying that Covid is unlike any pandemic in the past as no pandemic had 100% infection. What leads you to believe this one is unique? On what are you basing this? Your experience in biology?

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I’ll give you suicide, not risky behaviors.

You need to speak to some actuaries. We can effect the general trend.

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No, I’m saying we are all going to test positive eventually (provided we keep testing).

Do we do antibody tests for flu or colds? Wonder what the results would be?

Yes, my experience in biology, epidemiology, and common sense.

I can send you a Bible.

Link to the quote?

You have google.

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that’s not true.

Fr example, I will never go sky diving. Therefore, I will never die from sky diving.

I don’t smoke. Therefore, I am reducing my chances of dying from lung cancer.


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Sweet unsubstantiated claim.


It is completely true. No one dies from skydiving, they die from hitting the ground.

You can get lung cancer without ever having smoked a day in your life.
