After over two years of Trump as president things are going pretty well

I’ve seen worst back in 70’s and early 80s…much worst.

That is just delusional.

Have you any idea the amount of debt we’re incurring because of his fiscal recklessness? That’s not even taking into consideration the degree of damage this clown has done to our country’s image worldwide. The 1/3 that put him in office is making ALL of us look ridiculous.

Wake up.

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So? Does that negate the problems the farmers are having right now because of Trump’s policies?

I’m sure that comforts the farmers losing their farms today. “Yeah I lost my farm because of Trump’s tariffs but some places had it worse 40 years ago so I still support him”

Talkradio and Fox news have been demonizing her for a generation now. The irrational opinion they have of her shouldn’t surprise anyone at this point.

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You’ve seen worst? Much worst?


Why is it so hard to take Trump supporters seriously? Hmmmmm…

The farmers that are going belly up are turning to their kids and saying “I’ve seen worse”.

They are also blaming Hilary in some scenarios? Craziness.

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Was it the policies of Bush, Clinton, Bush again and Obama policies that allowed us to get into this mess to begin with?

They were warned over 2 decades ago. Hell I’ve been warning people since mid 2000 when I arrived to this forum.

I understand dependency is hard to break.

gdp estimates for q2 have fallen to 1%

thats hardly booming

They were warned. I feel sorry for small family farms that are left but the big corporate farming…I don’t.

Keep praying for the worst.


Your hero is in a foreign country on Memorial Day weekend siding with a brutal autocrat against a former Vice President. He is garbage. And you know it.

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not praying for anything. just posting facts, something that is anathema to trumpers

more signs the economy isnt booming

As you guys used to love pointing out in regards to the estate tax - 98% of American farms are “family farms”.

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Did you post similiar prediction for first quarter as well? Almost sure of it.

As usual we have Trumpists giving Trump credit for everything that is going well and absolving him of all blame for the things not going so well.

How can anyone expect to have a rational conversation with this as the premise.

If course Trump has had some successes every President does but that has to be tempered with the failures.

Perhaps a better Thread would to ask those that do not support Trump what his successes have been and Trump supporters to discuss Trumps failures.


Bill Kristol nailed it today. He said Trump isn’t growing in the job. He’s getting worse. He cited his support of Kim Jung Il about Biden and also KJI’s record since knowing Trump as an excellent example.

LOL! Like a good little elitist coastal snob!