After all the whining and complaining, the Trump administration will not participate in Judiciary hearings

This is definitely the action of someone with nothing to hide.

Politics is drama…not really saying much here buddy.
Drama is on the left…oh ok…they taking our jobs…pffft lol

It’s not appropriate during oversight fact finishing hearings to have the people you are overseeing involved.

This would be like having Hillary Clinton and her attorneys sit in on every Benghazi hearing the house and senate had.

Does that make sense to you?

Having the President attend or even be represented gives this twice the attention it would have otherwise. Why would Trump do that? Especially when its already predetermined that Democrats will decide that based on circumstantial evidence Trump bribed a foreign leader to assist with his campaign for 2020 while Republicans will say that the only direct evidence is that he wanted corrupt practices investigated to determine the truth and prevent further corruption. Democrats will decide that Trump committed multiple acts of obstruction and Republicans will decide that there was no corrupt intent and no obstruction just like Barr said.
There are more Democrats in the House.
There are more Republicans in the Senate.

Again, why draw more attention to the show?

When you cut through all the hype, Trump and his supporters demanded his participation but when their request was met said they were not interested.

This level of disingenuousness defines the entire defense of Trump regarding this abuse of power.

There is no reason to view any defense offered by or for Trump as being offered sincerely.


If a Democrat POTUS had abused the power of office in the same manner Trump supporters would be screaming bloody murder. And they all know it.

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Obama did his Trump/Russia investigation “by the book” and Rice even emailed that statement to herself to create evidence.

When the GOP Senators vote against conviction they will set up a new normal for presidents. Bribery- using military aid to make foreign governments go after political opponents will be fair game. It’s a dark path, but one I’m certain they’ll take.

Yes, he should stand up to the house just like Clinton did.

Huh. It was HIS major complaint and a grievance uttered by many of his supporters, that the “process” was faulty. Remember all the caterwaulin’ about “confronting your accusers” on this very board?

I admire his ability to get his supporters to turn 180 degrees whenever the notion crosses his mind, though.

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There was no bribery, no quid pro quo, get some new material.

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Then how is it none of the “fact witnesses” could attest to any?

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November: it’s so unfair! We aren’t even allowed to participate.
December: no thanks :rofl:
Fat donald is a coward.

Why did trump say he wanted tp participate? Why are all his surrogates claiming it’s unfair for the preosiendt not to have representation in the hearings?

Yes there was. Plain as day.

It doesn’t get any better no matter how often you repeat it.

In the history of impeachments how many presidents have testified before congress?

Clinton didn’t complain about the process.

The hell he didn’t, he also didn’t testify in front of congress did he?

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So the White House is going to whiney infant route. So much winning.