After all the whining and complaining, the Trump administration will not participate in Judiciary hearings

Odd, most of the whining I’m seeing is coming from the impeachment supporters who have finally figured out it’s going nowhere.

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Trump asked for a investigation of a US citizen in that call. He circumvented the normal channel for such investigations thru the FBI and our formal treaty for doing such with Ukraine. IMHO that constitutes abuse of the power of office.

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Horse ■■■■■ doing so was absolutely within the powers of his office.

Nope sorry. He isn’t a dictator.

Back to the topic. He whined… his supporters whined. Then when offered a chance to participate, he declines.

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What power of office does the POTUS have to ask a foreign leader to institute a investigation of a US citizen?

Who is the Chief Executive Officer, Chief Diplomat, and Chief LEO, of the US Gov’t?

It’s absolutely within the purview of his job to make “the ask”.

Then why do we have treaties with foreign government to address that exact issue?

Nothing in our treaties with Ukraine takes the power or authority away from the POTUS to make such an ask.

Heads of state make asks of each other outside of normal diplomatic and judicial channels regularly.

Where was your outrage over Obama’s famous, “Tell Vlad I’ll have more flexibility after the election”?

Nonexistent, that’s where.

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We all have civil liberties granted to us in the Constitution. That is why these treaties of investigation were created. Therefore I believe that your interpenetration of what he can and can not do in regards to asking for one of us to be investigated by a foreign power is wrong. But I will accept any facts that you can show that the POTUS has such power to make such a ask. From what I have read there is a clear process for the FBI (hence the DOJ) to be involved in such a matter. Which seems to me to be a proper route to insure that a US citizens rights are maintained.

No civil liberties were violated. The “evidence” is the job descritpion, Chief Executive Officer, Chief Diplomat, and Chief Law Enforcement Officer of the nation.

The entire bureaucracy works for him, they are his subordinates, not the other way around. His job is created by The Constitution, their’s are not.

What the hell does that have to do with the subject? That was a communication about policy. It had nothing to do with a US citizen.

Thanks to the patriot whistleblower. :pray:t2:

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Law enforcement and attacking corruption in countries receiving US aid dollars is a matter of policy.

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Yeah, because the President of the Ukraine didn’t do anything. Because he realized that he would be getting himself involved in US politics, which was wrong.

Patriot my ass, he’s nothing but a political operative and leaker.

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They are not investigating so you should march right down to the DOJ with the Bidens to file your civil rights lawsuit.

Which is really a good policy. And the WH and DOS has been asked when, at the time of that call, what other countries were being investigated for corruption and in what form. And guess what? Neither the WH or DOS would provide any information.

He/she is a patriot just like Linda Tripp.

Irrelevant. Biden drew attention to Ukraine with his bragging about blackmailing the then president to fire the prosecutor with a billion dollars in taxpayer money.


Please cite the times in which I have declared Linda Tripp to be a patriot.