Active shooter at health care clinic in Tulsa

However, I have noticed that there are no mass shootings at Planned Parenthood where the facilities are protected by armed security. Imagine that.

that’s the wrong lesson.

the real lesson is how insane maniacs are driven to kill over basic emotions

but they’ll tell you the problem is 9mm ammo. get ready

Maybe so.

It’s the new world. Violence happens a lot here.

That’s not my solution.

My solution is to get to the core of the issue. Why these people (mostly dudes) want to do this in the first place.


Does Planned Parenthood have armed security? Why, yes…yes they do.
Imagine that, a police state at Planned Parenthood.

If only we had the will to do something about it.

banning 9mm ammo ought to do it huh?


You find a solution that doesn’t further infringe on my right to keep and bear arms and I’ll march alongside you.

Issue is that every solution that is always presented involves infringements upon the second amendment of the constitution.

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Agreed and we have to consider all root causes. Its obviously not just one

As I just said. If only we had the Will to do something about it.

In my opinion there’s one big one that stands out among the rest.

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Wow…2015, 7 years ago. Amazing. None since?

Is it fair to ask 99% of firearms owners (aka the vast majority who are good decent people with no intent to cause harm against innocents) to sacrifice their constitutional rights to attempt to solve a problem that likely can’t even be solved?

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such as?

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I’m suspecting his solution involves Australian and British styled bans and mandatory buy-back programs.

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I haven’t said anything about removing guns. Just the Will needed to address the issue.

So, give us your suggestions in this, “addressing.”
I keep hearing about “common sense gun control,” but not specifics.

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I’ve been told numerous times on this forum that the issue is “too many guns, especially those dirty assault weapons, in too many hands.”

If that is the problem, how do you deal with it while still leaving them in circulation among owners?

You can’t. Mandatory registration and then Buy-Back programs will follow. Voluntary at first, but it will become mandatory quickly.

Prayers to those who were killed or seriously hurt, as well as their families.

I can’t imagine the horror.