Active shooter at health care clinic in Tulsa

Nothing will happen. Guns are safe. Our country doesn’t care enough to act.

I think we all know what the answer is



but i’m suspecting no solution will actually be proposed by the poster apart from moronic leftist dogma that only makes things worse

well, pretty much what you said - yes.


But what would the “act” look like?

You haven’t answered that.


My point is that the “act” will never happen because we, collectively as a country don’t care enough about gun deaths to do anything about it. It doesn’t matter what you or I propose. It won’t happen.

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Alright let’s accept that as truth. That it will never happen.

But hypothetically speaking, in your ideal world and situation, what would such a large act of solving “firearms violence” look like?

act how?

what would “our country” do to prevent this?

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Dems are orchestrating these mass shootings so they can take your guns away ?

That’s false. Someone in GA recently targeted a gun store/range and killed three people.

Was this gun range where 40 guns were stolen a “gun-free zone” ?

woopsie. wrong thread

The odds of one happening around you is slim to none though. :wink:

@thinkingman - This is not a “white supremacy” issue, because the shooter was a Black man between 35-40 years old.

Also- it happened on the 2nd floor.

I have my local news on.

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Going to see how the left spins this.

If you take guns away from Blacks, you’re racist.

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That’s not a mass shooting.

…is this a mass shooting?

No bombs thankfully.

In my educated opinion, yes they are. It’s election season and the shootings have begun.

Well, someone showed up, shot and killed multiple people and was able to escape.

Why would this person choose a not “gun-free” zone ? I guess he didn’t get the memo.

Could be that Biden actually drove this guy to the hospital.

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Yes. Where are you getting your perpetrator information?