Acosta's press pass returned by a judge

Judicial tyranny is alive and well in America.

You wouldn’t believe it anyway. You always know better than the rest of us.

That is uncalled for. I’m just trying to have a civil discussion. Your comments have caused me concern.

I don’t know hardly anything about economics and freely admit it… You said your CFO says we’re going to be in trouble next year - how?

How many times did you say that Acosta would never be able to ask another question? LOL :wink:

Hide the children!!



Here’s the DOW for the entire year of 2018. Evidently only the last few days matter…


The judge was a Trump appointee.

Thank you for posting it. Doesn’t look like it has been flat at all.

What cause the dip in April, tariffs?

This comment smacks of belittlement and sarcasm. If I was wrong I greatly apologize. It is kind of what I expect, and the reason why I don’t engage much with you. Sorry again.

Not my intention at all. You said we’re in trouble next year; I’d lime to know why. Your first post made it sound like a tax cut issue. I’ve looked a bit, but I don’t see it.

Why would you expect it? I’m just trying to have some civil conversations.

When have I ever “belittled” you on this forum?

I’m supposed to go back and find examples. Look Sneaky…I’ve always respected you here…and I’d rather just keep it that way. Your comment about getting our CFO to come explain it to us…was belittling. You could have just said…can you give examples…and I would have been OK. But it’s what you said and how it comes off. I’m just trying to be honest. But don’t worry about it. I have not desire to go back through threads searching for examples…


Trumpers and their usual delusions…this was a stunt Acosta will be called on and the Administration will continue to yell at the media.

It’s what they do…

Trumps base loves it, consider it a consolation prize cause its going to continue to get worse for Trump lovers not better.

No need to find examples, just say it.

So how does “Did i say anything about cuts…” come across?

Can you provide some examples please of how I’m in trouble next year?

Ooohhh you want it so bad to be true. I can almost see your big puppy dog eyes trying to will the chart lines into an explosion. So adorable.

Where exactly have you “addressed” it, other than mutely eating crow?

Throw more money at it? I hear that solves a multitude of “problems”.

Well, if we are all supposed to be in trouble next year tax wise I too would also like to know specifically how and why.

I mean it’s a little late to change anything for the year to alleviate that, but what the heck, I’ll play the game for next year.

Granted personally, I’m probably OK, but my boss may need to know what he’s in for as a business owner as our accountants haven’t said anything along those lines.

Maybe. But my irrelevant discussions usually get several hundred replies and 1000 views. Thanks for your help. And thanks for being such a daisy too.