According the polls. It's over

So if Biden is shown to be implicated in spying and Russia collusion scheme…

Which the Strzok notes have already done.

He has to.

He looked terrible yesterday and NO coronavirus test? How does THAT happen?

He should be getting tested as often as Trump.

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Who gives a ■■■■■

First y’all claim he’s been hiding in a bunker. He’s then out and about and y’all claim he’s just taking friendly questions.

Get the narrative right.

It’s about crowd size.
Ego stroking.

For me Hidin’ Biden works well.

Hidin’ has not gone further than 50 miles from his basement since March. When he went from China xenophobia on travel restrictions to full on fetal position unessential posture.


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Wouldn’t that make him a greenie by turning off the lights?

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It is idiotic to compare Biden to Clinton. Clinton had no charisma and found it difficult to connect with the electorate. Biden on the other hand has a personality that is the complete opposite.

But by all means keep thinking Biden is un-electable. That is the trap that Democrats fell into about Trump.

Anyone who at this stage thinks the election is a done deal really have no business commenting on politics. As we have seen in the last 4 month a hell of a lot can happen that could impact both campaigns negatively or positively.

The debates are going to be interesting and as we have seen Biden is an experienced and very capable debater. Trumps strength lies in his ability to attack attack attack. If Trump has any sense he will be working with a team to bring his debating skills up to par. He will be entering the debates as the President of the United States and expectations will be higher than last time.

Trump does not have to appeal to his hardcore supporters - Trump could just repeat the word wibble continuously in the debate and they would declare him the winner. He needs to resonate with the independent voter and the floating voter.

Trump winning the election last time was for a very simple reason. Those who went into the voting both still with no idea who to vote for, at the last minute could not get over their distaste for Clinton and decided to give Trump a chance.

Prior to the pandemic and the social unrest I thought a second term for Trump was inevitable but his poor leadership over the past few months and those idiotic press briefings that became just an opportunity for him to fight with the press corp have given Biden a significant opportunity.


Yes he should throw a big rally and talk about how good he is at walking on ramps, yell a bunch about Kung flu and “slow the testing down!”, say everything is fake news, mock some disabled reporters, encourage the crowd to punch people, and finish off with an epic display of water drinking. That will help convince the swing voters!


Ouch. Good find.

This isn’t 2016 folks. Biden is not Clinton. Trump is not the same here in 2020 as he was in 2016. These are apples and oranges comparisons. The Trump supporters are mirroring what the Clinton supporters were doing in 2016. Ironic.


Excellent post. Spot on brother!


And some posters like to find the most damning poll to tout this. However if you look at the average of polls at the time Clinton was only +5 over Trump on October 23rd. After the Comey public annoucement as the head of the FBI that lead had dropped to 1.3 points on November 3rd. Final polling had her at +3.2 and the final results were she beat trump in the number of votes by 2.1%

Polls are a snapshot as of today. Things change. It will be a wild ride.


Another very astute point here. Trump supporters seem to have a misplaced level of high confidence. Resembling that of Clinton supporters in 2016. There is no way any of us can predict what the next 4 months will bring that could completely change the game by November.

Yep the sky is falling


Valid point. Hillary supporters assumed there was no way America would elect such an egotistical moron as President. Welp, surprise!

This is not 2016. Trump’s got a track record (poor). If Biden and his campaign team are on top of their game, they will take Trump seriously even if most polls have Biden up 25 on October 1st.

As opposed to Trump leaving the WH to play 2 days of golf, and going on Hannity?


Absolutely. Biden is running a master-class on campaigning right now. He gives speeches and holds fundraisers and does press conference daily. And he is letting Trump suck all of the oxygen out of the room through his repeated missteps and failures. He is contrasting Trump’s chaos with calm.

Biden also has to give kudos for Lincoln Project. LP has done a masterful job helping.
Its a two-pronged attack right now.


Absolutely. And a slew of other former Republican groups like RVAT, Republicans for the Rule of Law, and VoteVets.

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He had a widely televised press conference yesterday that went perfectly fine. Meanwhile Trump was tweeting “THE LONE WARRIOR” from his bunker toilet. Who is hiding?


So for you its a done deal - we have 4 more years of Trump. By that logic Trump should ignore the election. Make no reference to it, attend no rallies, attend no debates and he will still win.

Seriously mate if you think that is a sensible position for any presidential candidate dont try and make any money about political punditry.