About gropey's And phony's New Mask Mandate Proposal

And remarkably these same people never blame the source and the failings that allowed the spread to begin in the first place.

But that would be “xenophobic”.

Track back to late May, when numbers were dropping, testing was ramping up and people were still being cautious. Then what happened??

For the left to act like the Tulsa rally was the ultimate super-spreader event while ignoring the protests and what has happened since then is beyond absurd.

It’s deranged denial.

And now those same people who ignored being cautious, and we’ve all seen the consequences, are suddenly on board for mandating masks while outside.

More phonies.

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The protests were a factor in the spread, that is something that I am not going to argue against.

That does not excuse the lack of a unified federal response

How do we know this?

Well, we can look at other countries that had mass protests during this period and still managed to keep the spread of the virus under control.

This country is failing and people are making excuses.

The failure though starts at the top.

For some, “it is what it is” is good enough… on the other we are looking at 300,000+ dead before the end of the year and a further economic collapse.

Why people are arguing that this is a good outcome is beyond me.

Out of curiosity, how do those number compare to average deaths by the seasonal flu?


12,000 – 61,000 deaths annually since 2010.

Thanks Google.

I guess it is not just like the flu.


“The largest protest movement in history.” Sticks in the mind when you hear it so often. I’m not the best on statistical analysis, but I’ll bet that people who are can easily determine the week to week progression of increases in case rates in the weeks following the protests as being in direct correlation to those events.

Most people just look at a week or two in that time frame and say, “no big difference, didn’t cause it.” These people are very dishonest and have no capacity for thinking anything other than what they’ve been told to think.

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We can look at other countries who also had mass protests during the same period and see that they were able to retain control of the spread of the virus.

I am not going to declare that the protests didn’t contribute to the spread, because it probably did.

I don’t see the evidence that they were the prime driver of infections.

As you can see here, New York, which was the first huge outbreak and the scene of mass protests has been able to get the spread pretty much under control.

So to pin the spread across the country and the lack of control of infection rates solely on the protests is not a legitimate argument to make.

We do have to see though how colder weather and people doing more activities inside will effect the future.

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There’s nothing fake about the flames of fear being fanned.

How would failing to stop flights from Europe to the US be “xenophobic”?

It is truly frightening what the USA figures will be in 6 months if there is a direct correlation between COVID-19 and cold weather.

I finally got word that the show I was working on will resume production on Sept 8.

It is going to be interesting how the process of filming stuff has to change to be able to make entertainment for the masses.

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If you notice I said

That would be the chinese.

Same people responsible for the spread to every other country on the planet.

Trump praised President Xi for his handling of the virus.
So I guess we can’t “blame” China.
Who do we blame then?

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Good news. I presume there will be strict conditions and testing when the production resumes.

Uncle Rob…He’s the best at fire and blowing things up…but he makes a point.

Yeah. The Union has been hammering out agreements about Covid Protocols with the production companies.

When I leave the Maine woods and get back to a place with actual internet instead of one bar of 3G on my cell phone, I am going to download the protocol documents from the Union.

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He has a point with that specific type of mask.

Thanks it will make for some interesting reading.

overlooking of course that NYC would have had a much higher level of people who had already contracted COVID and had active antibodies. The fact that NYC did not have a spike is not evidence that protests did not cause spikes, its evidence that there was something that happened in NYC that prevented the spike from happening.

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That mask has a moisture barrier. It is what we recommend to our staff who are caring for people with developmental disabilities in their homes. This mask blocks the sneeze or cough from spreading outward. They are readily available for everyone to purchase, almost anywhere…Walgreens, Grocery stores, Walmart, AMazon. You can get them almost anywhere.

So protect your fellow man, as they protect you.

In the past week, I have had two friends have their kids test positive while having no symptoms. One was a 3rd grader who was having his tonsils out. Random presurgical test. And the other a college age student random pre college test. No symptoms from either.

This is why you have to wear a mask. You could have it, be asymptomatic and still spread the virus to others.

Do your fellow man a favor, your family members a favor, wear a damn mask. How much freedom are you actually losing. You want the economy open…so do I…but people don’t want to be told they have to wear a mask, because freedom. You have the freedom to go into any store you want, with a mask on. No shoes, No Shirt, No Mask NO SERVICE. We’ve lived with the no shoes no shirts thing for my entire life almost. No one cries about it. we put on our shirts and our shoes, and buy our goods and go on.

Why is wearing a mask so hard?

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Seriously, do you blame President Trump for the spread across the globe??

Do you blame leaders of other countries for their cases and deaths??

It can’t all be TRUMP!!

china and WHO deceived the world. There’s no getting around it.