A serious medicare for all question for A.O.C

And having an obese president who eats nothing but trash sure isn’t helping the situation

It failed because she sucked big time, poor kids were starving.

If need be. But they also do a lot of lifestyle recommendations. You know, eat healthy, drink water, exercise, that sorta thing.

Dems want to bankrupt medicare… After you paid in all your life.

Baby boomers already bankrupted the country.

But god forbid anyone touch their entitlement that they screwed up in the first place.

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Every analysis I see of this simply uses the projected gross cost of “Medicare for all” and not the net cost of healthcare, why?

That is utterly stupid.

What a difference a decade makes. Saying that 10 years ago would get you accused of trying to kill grand ma… And those Boomers paid more than anyone for SS and medicare.

Because the want “medicare”…for all…

Yeah, well they didn’t really pay for anything else then.

$19 trillion in debt. Thanks guys.

Huh? Assuming you mean’t “they”, that still makes no sense…

Any evaluation of the cost of “medicare for all” needs to be based on the net change from the current system, not just tacking it on top of the system it is replacing…

So? You don’t want that lousy Medicare anyway.

Boomers are the most taxed generation ever… Income, Payroll, and sales. Cap gains, you name it…

Dems know that, and force people to pay anyway. Kind of like a form of slavery.

No they’re not. They lowered the top tax rates from 70%. Then they ran up the deficit.

They’re still doing it too.

Are we keeping preventive medicine from public schools for that reason, to push the drugs for pharmaceutical companies if need be?

If you don’t want to pay for it quit your job. Problem solved.:slight_smile:

Where is your evidence that Cortez or other congress people wouldn’t accept it for themselves? Your whole question is based on an unsubtarianted hypothetical in your own head.

If Corey Booker and the Democratic Politicians say that costs will be lower
on Medicare, then we should trust them.

Just like we trusted Obama when he said he wouldn’t force everyone to pay for it,
just the people who wanted it. lol.

Trust them once shame on them. Trust them twice, shame on us.

I don’t think that you understand the greed of congress.

There is absolutely no possibility that congress will be downsizing their insurance plan to the exact one that they will be throwing at us. And what if I like my plan better than “medicare for all?” Can I tell them to stuff it?

Based on historical events, you’d be incorrect.