A Reminder of How Long This Has Been Going On

I don’t remember Rush saying that, but I always assumed that he is a not so secret muslim. Did he not say “The muslim call to prayer was one of the prettiest things on Earth at sunset” ? Or was that just “fake news”.

You have to be a Muslim to like their call to prayer?

Yes Obama did.

I like Gregorian Chant too, apparently I’m a secret Catholic as well.

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Seems like I remember some other other ludicrous statement along the lines of “Muslims built America”. Please correct me if remembered that wrong.

He did say that, more or less so what? I really like Catholic choir music, but I’m not Christian. The Hindu’s have some rocking tunes as well, I’m also not a Hindu.

Also, “one of the most beautiful sounds at sunset” is a rather limited group of sounds, no?

I don’t remember him saying that. But if you find a quote, please let us know.

And what about the statement we do know he made, about the call to prayer, is ludicrous?

I suppose that would not be nearly as ludicrous as “Muslims built America”.

How is it ludicrous at all? And did Obama actually say that “Muslims built America”?

Like I said, “Seems like I remember some other other ludicrous statement along the lines of “Muslims built America”. Please correct me if remembered that wrong.”

Like I said, how is the first statement ludicrous at all? As for the second, you’ve been misled.

“Lied to.”. Not misled. “Lied to.”

Thank you, I stand corrected stand corrected. As per your fact checking the actual quote is: “In the United States, Eid also reminds us of the many achievements and contributions of Muslim Americans to building the very fabric of our nation and strengthening the core of our democracy.”

I’m still going on with the assumption that he is a not so secret muslim.



Because liberals think childish, vicious sarcasm against conservatives, like Colbert or SNL are funny but the reverse is not.

The question came up and President Obama didn’t directly address it until years later.

I can’t say I’ve listened to more than 5 minutes of Rush in a stretch, and likely less than 2 hours total in compilation. Him or Mark Levin. Used to listen to Hannity and watch his show until he jumped aboard the Trump train.

Stopped listening to any show on SiriusXM 125. I used to like Mike Church before he turned his show into a Catholic talk show, and even listened to hours of Andrew Wilkow.

Now when I travel, I listen to POTUS or MSNBC for political stuff. They actually seem reasonable. Like Michael Smerconish in the AM and Judy Mason in the afternoon. If I’ve traveling late enough, listen to Steele and Unger.

he was not even secret about his love of Islam.

And I say that as someone who also loves all the Abrahamic religions, Islam included. I have always stated agreement with Obama’s comments about the beautiful sound of the invitation to prayer.

The difference is that Obama’s brand of Christianity was simply an expedient for community organizing … using the captive audience of a church to spread political messages. Witness his mentor’s “God damn America” sermon that was captured on video.

Did Rachel make you cry when she…cried? Enquiring minds want to know?