A Question for Senator Britt

I have not disputed that. My point is that not publicly opposing specific wars of the past does not make her a warmonger. I certainly don’t want endless wars, and if I thought Haley did, I wouldn’t have supported her.

If you REALLY thought she didn’t support endless warfare, you’d be able to find just one example… :wink:

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I support policies, based on the merits of those policies. I learned long ago to worry about what’s in the package, not the messenger.


Exactly, you’ve been played. :wink:

Expecting the character to match the leadership skills and policies is no less stupid than idolizing your heroes. That kind if self-disappointment is gonna sting every time.

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It is just so virtuous to say we were defeated, but our dead commander was a nicer person.


“At least he wasn’t mean!”


And his being nice makes up for all of our dead troops he got killed.

Except Biden isn’t nice, and his policies still got 13 of our troops killed.


Oh. … That typical lib tactic suggesting that if it’s in a form of a question, it doesn’t have the meaning it insinuates… So you’re prone to lying?

But here’s a hint: Your sentence ended with a period. Not a question mark.

Hope that helps!


He’s a racist piece of ■■■■ with a clear disdain for anything shaded darker than him, he never met a country he couldn’t bomb, the economy is on fire, and our country is being invaded by a population large enough to alter the very fabric of our culture.

…oh, and then there’s that pesky little fact that he’s as clearly a child molester as there ever was, but mean tweets happened.

Character though… from THOSE people!! :rofl:


A person can support wars of the past and still not support “endless warfare.” Off the top of my head I don’t have examples of her speaking out against specific wars, but I also don’t have examples of her speaking out in favor of future wars.




Character isn’t about just being “nice”. It’s about integrity, responsibility, empathy, visionary etc.

Some of the best leaders have all or most of those traits. That doesn’t mean someone without some of them can’t lead…

I know it’s tough for some Trump supporters to identify a great leader with great character… but they do exist. :wink:

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Imagine an unemployed fraud pretending to be a black working family man of high earnings trying to lecture you about morals and ethics and integrity.

I ■■■■■■■ love this place. :rofl:


On what basis do you infer that someone was “triggered.” `What does that even mean in the context of a political debate?

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You are right. In typing I omitted the question mark but the sentence was clearly in the form of a question.

So you are extrapolating from believing I was insinuating something to stating I was lying. That’s s stretch that one again indicates you are pulling out all the stops to avoid answering the question.

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I am beginning to question some people here who claim they were in the military while simultaneously claiming that character doesn’t matter.

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If elections are about policy, why would Trump mock Biden’s stutter?

How does that help him stay on a policy message?

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I’ll go further. Putting aside people whose legacy is not yet determined – for instance both Donald Trump and Joe Biden – can anyone name a great leader who viewed through the lens of history was not a person of character? I think Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, Robert E. Lee, would all meet that test.

There are many historical figures who wield great power, but whose lack of principles undermined their long term impact – such as Stalin.

Meh. The cruelty is, and always has been, the point.

For a subset of the population, the cruelty scratches an itch that no other form of scratching can reach. We can put a salve over the itch for a generation or a generation and a half or so, but it never quite goes away. Then, sooner or later, someone comes along with an instrument to start scratching that itch, the cruelty, and it wells up in a recrudescent mess of scabbiness and pus until it gets shoved back into the darkness like it will be in November election.

But the itch will be there, simmering, and waiting for another movement to come along and scratch it. Oooh, it feels good to scratch it, but it just makes the itch worse.

We did it WW II, we did it in the Civil War, and we’ll do it again in about 45 or 50 years I suspect.