A question for pro-choice/pro-abortion people

For pro lifers . . . why do so many of you oppose insurance coverage of birth control and support companies being able to opt out of it? The best way to prevent an abortion is to prevent the pregnancy in the first place yet the pro life crowd by in large are the first to also fight against birth control coverage. Don’t give me a “I don’t want my taxes to pay for it” argument because the tax money going to cover this is a pittance compared to the tax money that goes to pay for unwanted children in terms of societal problems and welfare. And don’t give me a “sincerely held religious belief” argument about birth control because when you have to choose whats more important, preventing an abortion or your birth control argument.

Here’s my other thought on the subject, and this also keeps me in the pro choice group. An abortion is an easy procedure. Any doctor can do it, and it is safe when done in a nice clean doctor’s office. Rich people will always have access to a nice doctor who will discreetly do it for a nice price $$$$$. Suzie Socialite gets pregnant on a drunken spring break trip to Cancun. Nobody thinks Mommy and Daddy Moneypockets are going to force her or allow her to have that baby.

Same goes for poor women. Only the people willing to do it for them are the people willing to do it for a few bucks, in a basement or spare bedroom somewhere.

You can’t put the genie back in the bottle. It’s an easy procedure and we can’t pretend it doesn’t exist. Just keep trying our best to improve accurate and correct usage of BC and sex Ed. From what I understand, rates of abortion and unwanted pregnancies going down. Yea!?

Thank you Lucy. I have always respected your views around here.

Regardless of where we stand, we have to agree on one thing: It’s a horrible tragic situation for everybody.

I’m glad we can all agree with that point. We have to start somewhere if we’re every going get anywhere.

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I am not one of those folks. You’re correct. Women should have easy access to birth control. Couples should be able to talk to professions about sex and birth control. As I mentioned to Lucy and Cali, pro-lifers do need to understand that woman have feelings and emotions, and their bodies are at stake. If we truly care about saving lives, we need to make sure the people have the power of information at their side.

Thats good to hear that your not one of them. Too often what I get back when making this argument is “condoms are cheap” but the reality is that people are impulsive and often don’t have condoms. So in the heat of the moment they have sex anyway or the girl trusts the guy to pull out and then he doesn’t. So the best method is medical birth control that doesn’t depend on the guy and that means the pill, or implant, or shot, etc.

My sister is 4 months pregnant. She’s married, and has been on the implant for quite a few years now, but they decided to get off to see if they could get a child. They’re very excited . I am very supportive of the path they took. It was very responsible. I want more and more women to have the same options as my sister had.

With that being said, yesterday she informed me she is now more Pro-Choice than she has ever been in her life. We were raised very religious/political conservative. But after four months of pregnancy, she feels it is her choice whether another lifeform inhabits her body. Who am I to say she’s wrong.

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Which doesn’t change the fact that its inhabiting her body and she has every right to have it removed.

That’s really interesting. Thanks for sharing.

Well, I think pro-life will win because medical science will make BC even more effective, easier, and more available, including day or hours after products.

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But only to a point. This kind of absolutism is not helpful. I don’t go along with that at all, without reasonable limitations.

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What would a pro abortion person look like?

I do not think I ever met a person who believes every pregnancy should end in abortion.

If I stay at a hotel or rent an apartment, the super doesn’t have the right to take my stuff or kill me for that matter.

If my neighbor wants me to look after his car while he’s away and I decide to store it in my garbage, I do not have the right to destroy his vehicle.

I cannot go along with that logic at all.

Location does not magically denote human life.

I perfectly understand the argument that criminalizing the practice for the first trimester, creates situations where more people die at the end.

I can go along with allowing only during the 1st-2nd trimesters.

1st should be plenty.b

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It should be, but again the “pro life” side is heavy on delay tactics and “waiting periods” to try and get it to the point where it can’t be aborted. I’d much rather have it done before say the brain can develop, but a lot of pro-life groups don’t take that stand.

John Oliver did a segment on “Crisis Pregnancy Centers” that I won’t link to, but you can find easily on Youtube, that really highlights the major problems the “Pro-Life” side is causing. Again, as I said in the other thread, I hate abortion. I’d like to see a world where it never happens. But the Pro Life side is trying to outlaw them while actively taking steps that drives them up! It’s outrageous and destructive and just as big a sin as a third trimester abortion is.

Can we quit calling those folks pro life. They tend to not support programs that help parents.

Scrolling through these thoughtful replies, I saw three identical Ashley Madison ads of a hot brunette and the words “Life Is Short.”

more so for some than others

In what way will the zygote change as medical science advances so that it will then fit the definition of life then where it does not do so now?