A question for pro-choice/pro-abortion people


Regardless of whether that is true or not, will the child die without these support programs you are talking about? No, it won’t. So what you are talking about is a quality of life issue. Thou are essentially saying that since the baby won’t have a certain quality of life, ie enough money in the family to support a certain minimum lifestyle, then it is ok to kill that baby veggie it is born. So at what point is the quality of life low enough that you would feel comfortable killing someone who is otherwise healthy?


I’ll never understand this rationale. Earlier you talk about it being killing a human. Yet you’ll make an exception for rape. Sir, once the abortion is being considered, the rape has already happened. If you truly believe it is a human just as valuable as a baby or a ten year old daughter…why would you think it is ok to kill them because they are a product of rape?

Tell me sire, does this walking corpse have a name?

I’ve asked before, what crime did the rape baby commit to deserve death?

I doubt it.

None. So why make exceptions for rape and incest?

Pro-Life ends at birth. After that point the kid can take care of themself.

Yeah. I mean, it’s not like we have welfare, Medicaid, and social security programs for poor children in need.

Oh wait… I guess we do. smh.

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How’s that working out for you? Do those programs do enough to encourage women to keep their babies, or does having an unplanned for child still present a significant burden on women?

If life begins at conception, and if someone is going to be consistent in their beliefs, I don’t see such an exception as being consistent with those beliefs.

The whole abortion question misses the central issue though. The simplest and most basic question to ask is do we as a society believe life is sacred. Answer that question and the rest of the answers fall into place.

Is all life sacred?

Fairly well. I’m not aware of any children in our country starving to death due to lack of assistance.

Actually I believe that with some women it encourages the opposite. That they become baby factories to maximize their public assistance check.

When, as a nation, we put children in cages, it is obvious that we don’t hold life as sacred.

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Yeah, having an unplanned for child in America is easy. The government really makes it easy.

That’s exactly what happens. Women are encouraged to be baby factories. Some of them are making off like millionaires.

There’s a reason why Welfare Cadillac is a term to describe certain people.

Eating steak and lobster with their sixth kid.

Riding around in Cadillacs.

What do you mean by sacred?

Are we executing these children or are we protecting them. Somme of those children are victims of human trafficking.

If we don’t then abortion should be legal. As well as euthanasia. Are you ready for society to determine when your useful life is at an end and terminate it before you become a burden on society?

See. when you answer that one question, the rest of the answers fall into place.

Sacred means revered due to sanctity and is generally the state of being perceived by religious individuals as associated with divinity and considered worthy of spiritual respect or devotion; or inspiring awe or reverence among believers.

Life is not ours to give or take. Once a life is ended there is no getting it back.

Pro tip for life (Women edition).

If you want to be financially stable, just pop out a few babies.