A good explanation of the profound distrust of institutions, especially corporate media

Didn’t think that one through.

Can you point out any factual errors in the twitter thread?

If not, then why should anyone trust the corrupt media, the DOJ, the FBI, and other institutions would tell the truth about the 2020 election? They have all lied repeatedly in their attempts to subvert and overturn the results of the 2016 election.


Already showed you how one can find out for oneself why the 2020 election was not rigged without having to rely on media, FBI, CIA or anyone.

Not surprising you keep ignoring it.

And Tucker Carlson.

Handwaving noted.

Do you deny the multiple lies from the FBI investigation and the mainstream media?

Your faith in obviously corrupt institutions is amazing.

Please provide actual evidence that the examples cited in the thread are factually incorrect, otherwise we can assume that there isn’t any.

Not interested enough to devote any time to anything related to Tucker Carlson.

Yes…and it isn’t even a question. That’s what I’ve been saying here in Hannity Land for some time. The masses are being sheoplized by the media and most are ignorant to this. That didn’t used to be the case. The media gave both sides and it was for the listener to decide. Today, it’s one sided and nothing more than perpetuating the Democrat agenda that they want you to swallow and regurgbleat.

One of the more recent examples would be the Wuhan or China virus. How long did the media discredit the idea that this virus came from a lab. How many here then regurgibleated this over and over. This is just one of the many examples I’ve witnessed. Where can a person now go for neutral news?


I did find this, though:
Tucker Carlson’s writers had a lighter-than-usual workload on Friday as the Fox News host decided to spend seven minutes reading a Twitter thread posted by an unverified account in an effort explain why many Americans think the 2020 presidential election was rigged for Joe Biden .Tucker Carlson Spends Seven Minutes Reading a Random Twitter Thread to Explain Why Trump Supporters Think the Election Was Rigged



Oh, you mean the guy whose own employer used the legal defense that you can’t take anything that he says seriously?

That Tucker Carlson?

Tacit agreement with the facts that Tucker presented is noted.

The point is that history shows that the national institutions and, most especially, the corporate media are grossly corrupt and lack credibility.

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When was this?

Many news castors were trusted and one example would be Walter Cronkite. He retired in 1981 and slowly…it evolved into what we’re seeing today. I will say this though, it greatly accelerated when Trump was elected.

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It is not an opinion. It’s a ■■■■■■■ lie designed to fire up his base and cause dissent and chaos in current and future elections.

No, Tucker provided a summary of the B.S. narratives the CEC has been feeding its audience to help them justify their doubt about the validity of the 2020 Presidential election.

Cronkite was aggressively criticized in the 60’s by conservatives at the time.

Cons have been calling the media biased since modern media has been around.

I do concur, one has to look for actual news…vs relying on simply watching the nightly news (local or network).

Sadly…many just go to sources that tell them what they want to hear, vs what they need to hear.

LOL. No.

Why do you guys keep dredging up stuff that was debunked long ago?

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Good grief, you have to be kidding me. A lot of people recognized Trump as a con man when he started the whole birther deal (let me know when those private investigators get back from Hawaii). And even though she didn’t win, Hillary still got a butt load more votes then Trump. And that was with a whole bunch of folks staying home. I just don’t get why you guys can’t realize that Trump is not as popular as you believe he is.

Back in Cronkite’s day the fairness doctrine in broadcast news prevented the mixing of news and commentary. Any commentary had to be labeled, and opposing viewpoints had to be given equal time.

There was still a Liberal bias, but it was more in the determination of what constituted news and which stories to investigate.

Today’s news media make no pretense about bias; corporate news today is just propaganda controlled by the surveillance state.