A 'Golden' Opportunity For Liberals

More silly word games. :roll_eyes:

Another 27 franchises ripe for the picking.

Come on, liberals! Since they are closing, they should be available for dirt cheap.

Put your money where your mouth is and buy them. Then battle ‘greedflation’ by lowering prices and keep those wages sky high.

I dare you to become a gazillionaire. :rofl:

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More franchises closing in Cali. This time it’s Subway.

Look, if they are closing, that means you can buy them for dirt cheap.

How about it? Are you guys ready to put your money where your mouth is, and become that gazillionaire by using your marxism to turn these things around?

More fallout from California’s Fast Food Wage Gambit.

College students now face food insecurity.

This is what happens when you don’t think a policy through: lots of people you did not realize are dependent on these services get hurt.

Exactly what is a college kid supposed to do? IIRC, most of those dorms have no facilities where they can cook, and where do you store the food anyhow? Under your bed?

Maybe they should go get a job at McDonalds? :rofl:

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Is this from the Onion? Or Babylon Bee?

It’s just a meme.

College students eating fast food!!! Whatever happened to living off ramen noodles.

When my mates went off to college they lived off pot noodles and cheesy pasta

No, seriously. Critprogs are retards. They should be shunned. Never be allowed to make a decision.

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Just read the headline huh?

My question is:

Why did corporate greed seem to kick in to high gear after Biden took office? Especially since the corporate world is largely run by hyper woke libs?


Full headline: “San Francisco buys vodka shots for homeless alcoholics in taxpayer-funded program”

Absolute retards.

But I welcome that program. The wino homeless in my town (and from all across the nation) will start heading that way.

It’s clear you didn’t read the article.

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Because there was cover. The economic collapse, the supply chain issues, the pandemic: all provide cover and an alternate explanation.

Did you?

"Still, the program has also received criticism from none other than San Francisco Mayor London Breed, who said in February that harm reduction was “not reducing harm” but “making things far worse.”

“Are we just going to manage people’s addictions with our taxpayer dollars in perpetuity forever? It seems like that’s basically what we’re saying,” said Tom Wolf, who is in recovery for heroin addiction, in a statement to the Chronicle. “I think we should be spending that money on detox and recovery.”

That’s one side… what’s the other? It’s in the article and you skipped over it.

Because it’s nonsense.

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What a compelling argument :rofl:

$5M a year. To feed alcoholism.