A fun little exercise for our racially obsessed country

Mercer Island …a little back story for ya.

“The I-90 expansion battle, which included talk of a second bridge, additional tunnels and a wider freeway, is a case in point. The project ran into resistance on affluent Mercer Island, where mostly white residents objected to a bigger highway through the heart of their community. Bowing to pressure, officials eventually agreed to lid the highway as it passed through the more populated commercial center and to build a public park on top (what is now Aubrey Davis Park).”

Oh horse hockey. People keep saying that and it doesn’t happen. Inheriting what? How many people you know who are wealthy because their parents died and left them a house?

Very few people stand to inherit the King Ranch.


Yes I know…but did YOU see the picture I posted? Does the freeway cut though rich White area of Mercer Island…yes or no?

A picture is worth 1000 words.

As I said. Out of 160 thousand miles of interstate highway…less then 1000 miles is through Black areas.

You think that makes a difference? How?

34% of the country can’t read above a 5th grade level. 41% of college graduates aren’t working in their degrees.

Not black students; all students.

Did the rest of them all go to better school districts? No.

More mythology. Why do they build highways in the city? Maybe because that’s where people are stacked on top of each other and they have to to be able to move?

Millions of acre and 10’s of thousands farms were cut in two by freeway system…a system that supports their needs.

So libs…want to BS me some more?

The average cost of a home in 1965 was $21,500. How does that “create wealth”?

That would be $175,319 in today’s dollars. You would be no richer today then your were back then.

The usual social conservative whining.

Taxes eat it up.

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To what parts of the city do these highways often lead?

“Moreover, while the freeways opened up routes from the suburbs to the city centres, there were often a conspicuous lack of entrances in black communities. The gigantic concrete ditch in West Baltimore is a perfect example: sunken, without exits – it effectively seals off one side from the other.”

You believe that? You honestly believe they spent millions and millions of dollars because they don’t like black people.

In a city run by black people? That passes the common sense test to you?


Black people ran Baltimore in the 60’s?

It’s not B.S., it’s documented fact

A little later. People like Pelosi’s father ran it in the 60s. Progs of color.

And a fine job they’ve done since.

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Interestingly, I never respond to anything unless I’m white…

The take away is that most black people don’t live where people in the boonies refer to as the sticks … where much of the interstate highway system in fact still resides if you exclude the costal areas.

No, the take away is that you don’t know what you are talking about.

Do your research: start with The Power Broker, by Robert Caro, then get back to me.

More lies and disinformation.

Again take Seattle for example.

Exit ramp at 175th north Seattle.
Another one at 145th…30 blocks
Next one at Northgate 110th…35 blocks
Then 85th, 25 blocks
Then 50th, 35 blocks. Which BTW splits White Neighborhoods.
Then you have Union South Seattle
South Colombian Way
Then one other exit before you get to Boeing field. Can’t remember which exit that is.
Then Boeing access road that takes you to Martin Luther King Jr way.
The next exit is Interurban ave.
Then exit to 405, which 1/4 mile to Interurban ave again that turns into Valley freeway.
Then about 1/2 mile 167 that turns into Rainier Ave.

So as you can your theory is all BS. In fact since that area with I-5 and I-405 interchange is heavy industrialized their is actually more access to freeway then north Seattle.

So I ask…where are you getting you BS from?