A fun little exercise for our racially obsessed country

Put the following in the correct order of root causes of why racial minorities fail at a higher rate.

Lack of education
White racism
Lack of job skills
Breakdown of family
Criminal record
drug usage

Order them. If you want to substitute one or two of mine for your own, then please do!

The correct order is:

White racism
White racism
White racism
White racism
Air Jordans
White Racism


Thank you for bumping my thread to the top of the list.

Anybody else?



This is a solid “What’s wrong with black people?” thread.


It’s libz who are racially obsessed!


You have no opinion on the root cause of minority poverty? Maybe that’s the problem. People like you who refuse to even discuss it?

Ya think?

Ah, now you’re being dishonest. That’s not what I said Petah.
Shame, shame, shame.

Naw I’m good. It’s your thread. Feel free to tell us what’s wrong with black people.

So you have never ever even thought of the causes of minority poverty? not at all?

Me thinks you speak with forked tongue.

just say “democrat policies”

save you some typing


Naw you’re not good.

I have my opinion of this issue. Libs have theirs too. But suddenly they’re too afraid to give it. Afraid they might offend the Gods of wokeness.

White students do not have the highest graduation rate.

I already know my opinion. I’m looking for theirs. Suddenly they have become shy.

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The number one problem is breakdown of family. After that it’s hard to tell if lack of education is a result of drug addiction or vice versa. The criminal record would be coming up the end. But on that matter I would say mandatory minimums did not help this issue. But thanks to trump for trying to improve that. As far as white racism, that is only political fodder for the democrats to keep blacks voting for them.

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whats the black single motherhood rate these days? and what was it in the democrat jim eagle 60’s?

how is whitey to blame?

That wasn’t the question.

Put the following in the correct order of root causes of why racial minorities fail at a higher rate.

Lack of education
White racism
Lack of job skills
Breakdown of family
Criminal record
drug usage

yep silence. shocked

Bingo. Three votes for this so far (including mine). The wokesters have been too afraid to offer anything to the topic.

i’m not responding to any posts unless the poster is white

; )

jk. but see how racist that is?

Well played!

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