A fun little exercise for our racially obsessed country

Oh please, the interstate highways stretch between the states, that’s what they are for. That does indeed often put them out in the boonies. By definition not many people live in the boonies of any race.

But even when they are in big cities they are basically just passing through. With the bulk of traffic falling on State highways, loops, business Spurs and various county and municipal roads … that are not going to be counted as miles of interstate highways. It is all these latter roads which will constitute the vast majority of miles of roads where most people live, including minorities.

I call it BS…And I’ve document it.

When they skirt those cities throughout NE for example…who’s land are they tearing up? Who’s land and farms being cut in half?

That’s right Whites.

I bet not even 500 miles of our interstate freeway system goes through Black neighborhoods.

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One man opinion on his self own bigotry.

Precisely…claiming victimhood.

God the total lack of empathy is disgusting.

Do you realize how ■■■■■■■ recent civil rights era was? Imagine the effect of being raised by people who grew up as slaves would have. How about growing up as second teir citizens who could be killed for speaking up with out consequence.

This ■■■■ was recent and has major effects but it’s much easier to just blame hip hop and weed than the address the actual issues.

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Debating reality with trumpers gets old. I’m so thankful that theses type of views are pretty much non-existent in the under 30 demo

Another lib that believes in great conspiracy on targeting Black neighborhoods to build our freeway to punish em.

We already addressed them. The rest is up to them. I don’t owe them anything. I wasn’t their oppressor.

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Here’s a little “bs conspiracy” example for ya…and there’s plenty of other articles out there on the subject, and plenty of other examples as well.

“In Atlanta, the intent to segregate was crystal clear,” Princeton University historian Kevin M. Kruse has written. “Interstate 20, the east-west corridor that connects with I-75 and I-85 in Atlanta’s center, was deliberately plotted along a winding route in the late 1950s to serve, in the words of Mayor Bill Hartsfield, as ‘the boundary between the white and Negro communities on the west side of town.”

Cutting through a few farmers fields is not quite the equivalent of demolishing whole neighborhoods… Which I suppose that never happened either…correct?

  1. Lack of two loving parents that’s united goal is to guide them fully equipped into adulthood. That could come under break down of family but I’m being more specific. This is the root cause of a lot of our social problems and it isn’t just minorities. This relates to all of us.
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There are no white broken families or individuals who fail to take advantage of educational opportunities?

Can’t agree with that.

You don’t want to discuss it.

And if you’re talking about root cause, why did you list six different causes and ask us to rank order them?

And did you examine any of those causes to see if they were interconnected?

Do you even know how to do root cause analysis?

Good school districts are largely a function of the caliber of the students and the involvement of the parents.

Passing that on to two kids adds up to a nice down payment on their home, right? That’s pretty advantageous that they don’t have to save for a down payment.



Why are you here?

Ah, now it all makes sense.

Speaking with those that live in their own la-la land and truly believe it’s reality…also gets old but…attempting to correct this wrong gives me something to do. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass: