A Clear Demonstration that the Squad Does Not Control the Democratic Party

Thank you. I suggest starting with Why Men Rebel by Ted Gurr.

There is also a lot of good research from the Baader–Meinhof group.

“Special” :sunglasses:

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“Sure you do”. Early in the morning for you to start condescending… but if that is what you have got.

I am just glad that Sneaky agrees with my mother on this. I doubt there is much else they would have agreed on, but what the heck.

:rofl: sow reap

Not special.

Anyone can do it.

It takes a lot of hard work, and even then one can fall back into one’s anchors.

The only difference between you and others is you believe humans can never ever rise above their biases.

And that anyone who claims to do so to the best of their ability is not only lying but worthy of derision.

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Bootstraps, right?

Republicans have a lot of those. Shouldn’t be a problem

“Only in the minds of those influenced by conservative media.”

Pot, meet kettle.


Without an ounce of effort on “our side’s” part, either.


So much wrong. Start with Righteous Minds. You’re operating under a delusion.

I read Righteous Minds.

The author disagrees with you.

Or…rather…you didn’t go along on the complete journey with the author.


That and evolutionary psychology is a lot of bull ■■■■■

Ah, evolutionary psychology, the soft science of choice for the intellectual incel.



Here you go.


Look! A parrot!

Hilarious. Too bad the idiots peddling this ■■■■ are wrecking a whole generation of young men. A solid quarter of males under the age of twenty five have never had sex or even had a girlfriend and guess what most of them believe in.

Voice of Experience?

Let me assure you of something; you are NOT smarter than Jonathon Haidt.

Who happens to be a flaming lib by the way.

Tommy’s pretty damn smart.

How would you propose we measure if he’s smarter than Jonathan Haidt?

Someone can be smart and wrong at the same time.

I read Haidt.

It is interesting but I don’t think it holds up under scrutiny. His moral foundations work is good for constructing a heuristic, but it isn’t that great past that.

It’s a little too squishy.

But that is my problem with evolutionary psychology anyway.