93% of protests during the year were peaceful

What does that have to do with the all the peaceful protesters.

You are certainly not blaming them right?


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Always about “deserving” things.

I’m sorry you see the need to downplay the riots. In my opinion, doing so LUMPS YOU WITH THE RIOTERS. And you deserve that.

Nothing lumps me in with the rioters.

I abhor violence.


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Your indignation at the notion doesn’t change the fact that your posts betray your attempts to downplay the rioting.

Black Lives Matter is exactly the sort. That bunch if marxists has far more in common with Al Capone like shake down artists than anything resembling a civil rights group

BLM could just as easily and accurately stand Black Lies Mafia. Lives do not matter to that bunch political power gained through intimidation and destruction does.

It could well be that BLM should be declared a domestic terrorist group and those who organized and funded their violence should be arrested prosecuted and jailed.

I refuse to apologize to anyone for recognizing that fact.

that is a “no” in response to my request, so i don’t buy your story


What about them? Did they break the law and kill people?

Their protests are ■■■■■■■■ I m sick of being called systemically racist because I’m white…

What are you calling peaceful? Blocking traffic…getting in people’s faces at restaurants while they are trying to enjoy a meal…surrounding cars terrifying people simply trying to commute? Forcing people to take a knee and pledge their support for your fake cause? Spray painting monuments?

All Lives Matter…I fully support local police agencies rooting out any and all bad cops. I will condemn BLM fully everyday.

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Guvnah is right…you folks trying to justify the thugs are giving the riots your endorsement…

By the way…anyone who feels urge to put a skin color in front of the words “lives matter”…

Has found the actual racists.

Blocking traffic is civil disobedience. Not violent. Spray painting monuments is vandalism not violence.

Getting in peoples faces while eating isn’t violence just not right.

Intimidating people is not violence.

Forcing people to take a knee. How exactly are people doing that to other people?

All of the thing I quoted are against the law. But most are not violent.

I do not break the law when I protest.


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I disagree wholeheartedly.

We will agree to disagree.

Black people are discriminated against by some of law enforcement.

I can show you example after example.


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Good for you…

This isn’t about you it’s about disgusting people who have done all of the above…possibly or probably being paid in the name of BLM…

I tend to be suspicious of criminals committing criminal acts while screeching “what do we want dead cops when do we want them now defund the police,” claiming Black Lives Matter while ignoring the black kids getting shot by other black kids in Democrat run inner cities all over America.

Sorry…not buyin’ what Y’all are sellin’!

There’s your apology.

I do not expect any apology for trump supporters.

Although I am deserving of one.

That’s all.



I m sure you probably can…imperfect people tend to act imperfectly…

And for every one of those acts which may have been documented and then overblown there are probably dozens and dozens more actions of good honest people in uniform going out of their way to do good things, sometimes heroic most of the time just because it’s right without caring about race or gender or religion or anything else.

You know what I learned from George Floyd…

That the Minneapolis police department needs to tighten up its hiring practices…officer Chauvin is a disgrace.

But any constructive message BLM and it’s supporters might have had post George Floyd went up in the smoke of burning buildings and was washed away in the blood of black men like the now dead officer David Dorn.

I m like 96 % of the country…in the first couple of days after George Floyd I was willing to hear legitimate ideas to make sure the next Derrick Chauvin never put on a badge. I still am…but not on the terms of BLM. Cops are not monolithic…they aren’t all trigger happy 40 year old white guys who kiss their families goodbye in the morning and then go hunting a black guy.

The police as a group aren’t the criminals here…: the few bad ones shouldn’t have a badge and a gun. The rest probably deserve better pay and more training and our support as a country.

I m sorry you support a collection of criminals called BLM.

There I apologized.

(I seriously have no idea for what we are supposed to be apologizing!)

there is no reason to offer one. hence, why the request makes no sense

wonder if the poster will be asking for reparations next.

maybe another thread

And how many young black men, women and children taken in inner city violence is too many?


The more I read the lame justification for the rioting and alleged “peaceful” protests the lamer the justification becomes.

I can’t remember the man’s name but I was listening to an interview with an African American gentleman earlier this week…he was talking about the ratio of young black kids murdered by young black kids in inner city violence compared to the number of unarmed African Americans shot by cops and it was a staggering number. Like 200 something to one or something like that. Hell more people died in the first month of the BLM riots than that number of blacks killed by cops.

Hundreds of millions of dollars in damage. Firey, but mostly peaceful. :rofl:


So limiting the “study” solely to violence was disingenuous. (If not deliberately dishonest.)

And your posturing on these new points shows that you are trying to downplay them too.

They stick to you like velcro though.