9 rally attendees test positive in minnesota

I would like to apologize to Sigmund Freud for doubting him. The Death Drive is real.


There’s no pretending anymore that wearing a mask isn’t about protecting others, either.

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That’s a shame.


I find it more constructive to trust others and respect their philosophy.

Trump rallies will continue with enthusiasm and appropriate safety consideration.

Imma rebel that way…I reject conformity.

Has any evidence been forthcoming that any of the 9 contracted the virus at the rally?

reality. deny whatever you wish.

Have not heard.

I did hear that Trump will be out campaigning just about every day from tonight in FL to election day.

Trump appears to want the job more.

Cool, cool.
So ya got nothing but feelings.

Shouldn’t he be in the WH negotiating a stimulus package? Best deal maker, right? Shouldn’t he be trying to figure out what else could be done to reduce the number dying from COVID-19?
Doesn’t he have other things to do in the WH besides wasting tax payer money flying to campaign events.
Or is he Campaigner-In-Chief?

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feelings and numbers. you got nothing but irrational denial that protests somehow are not super spreader events.

Numbers? You haven’t proven squat except make these proclamations that the protests were super spreaders. Where’s the proof?

Here’s an example of proof of a super spreader - Idiot Trump and his maskless goons all gathered at WH, and within 7days, around 20 people were infected.

So, your turn.

If someone aggressively asserts nonsense they think that makes it true.

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One of the stars of the Trump admin…Larry Kudlow.

Of course they are super spreader events. Being a rioter does not give one immunity.

  1. They (and we) are going to get infected anyway

  2. How many got infected at BLM/Antifa rallies?

  3. Libs and their feewings.

  4. Trump banned travel from China

  5. Herd mentality!

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Check out the LA super spreader event…


Hard to imaging trying any harder to infect each other.


That herd ain’t gonna infect itself, after all.

Laker fans did their part. Thousands more than the obese orange menace.


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McConnell already said no.

Larry Kudlow, a star of the administration? That’s liked getting excited about having Danny Bonaduce at the opening of a Home Depot.

McConnell is already saying no so nobody cares about Larry.

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