6th circuit court of appeals reinstates OSHA vax mandate

Health officials and Doctors " We think that people should get vaccinated and boosters for as much protection as possible"

Rando on the internet " I don’t wannaa!!!"

makes sense.

Over 60% will never even know they had it, with or without a vaccine. :man_shrugging:


You aren’t supposed to advertise drugs without disclosing their risks.

Nothing is without risk.

The risk of the vaccine is much much much much much much lower than getting infected.

That is not disclosure.

Where’s the data to substantiate that claim?


Especially as it pertains to 5-19 years of age.

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2000 were reported dead yesterday from what you describe as a cold.

Mighty potent cold.


there are zero confirmed deaths from omicron. maybe you should learn what you’re talking about before speaking? there is one death presumed with omicron, but not confirmed

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800k in the US has died from Covid.
How man have died from getting the Covid vaccine?

Answer: Over 339 million vaccine doses were given to 187.2 million people in the US as of July 19, 2021. Only three deaths have been linked to vaccination.

How many cases of omicron?


That isn’t true and both directors told you that at the very beginning of this pandemic. Anybody that had COVID and died, would be listed as a COVID death and the two aren’t even close to being the same count.

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Obviously not everyone is getting omicron.

2000 dead reported.


It’s absolutely true.

It’s a stone cold fact.


…as much as orange man baaa, baaa, baaad…amirite? :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

No that is an opinion.

Don’t you know the different between I think trump was a failed president (opinion) and 800,000 dead of covid in the United States (fact).


If you had COVID, were asymptomatic, out riding and died from injuries sustained in a motorcycle wreck, how would your death be classified?


Biden needs a new plan. That is a terrible stat with a vaccine available for over a year now.

If only there were therapeutic options out there. :wink:


Deplatform him.